ApTrigga2 question.


Jan 21, 2010
I asked this in the drum replacement sticky thread but it looks like I won't be getting a response.
I'm using ApTrigga2 and Superior Drummer with MIDI files I've made in Guitar Pro.

Let's say I have a part of the song where I want the snare to build up and start at a velocity of around 20-30 and go up to 127? Every time I do this I set the threshold so it picks up the soft hits, but then the hard hits don't pick up. Also, if I have a section where the snare is fast, it seems to leave out every other note. Basically, I want to know if ApTrigga2 can pick up any velocity from a midi note, and how I should go about doing so.
o_0 ?? aptrigga is SKIPPING hits on MIDI? that should be ... impossible. i use aptrigga to trigger all my midi. i've never touched any of the settings in it... i literally just load samples, set it to random, and then just feed it MIDI. one instance and one MIDI track per drum. i don't get too much into dynamics, if you want softer hits make another instance. what's your DAW? if you're in reaper (and possibly a few others) there's a bug with aptrigga picking up velocities of 127, the random mode will only play one sample. you need to have the velocities maxing out at 126.
I asked this in the drum replacement sticky thread but it looks like I won't be getting a response.
I'm using ApTrigga2 and Superior Drummer with MIDI files I've made in Guitar Pro.

Let's say I have a part of the song where I want the snare to build up and start at a velocity of around 20-30 and go up to 127? Every time I do this I set the threshold so it picks up the soft hits, but then the hard hits don't pick up. Also, if I have a section where the snare is fast, it seems to leave out every other note. Basically, I want to know if ApTrigga2 can pick up any velocity from a midi note, and how I should go about doing so.

I guess you're not triggering midi, but the actual audio coming from the midi track.
If you trigger the midi output of the midi track into aptrigger, aptrigga won't miss anything
I guess you're not triggering midi, but the actual audio coming from the midi track.
If you trigger the midi output of the midi track into aptrigger, aptrigga won't miss anything
Sorry if this is something basic, but how would I do that?

Btw, I'm using the stack mode so all of my snare samples are blended together, if that makes a difference.
Sorry if this is something basic, but how would I do that?

Btw, I'm using the stack mode so all of my snare samples are blended together, if that makes a difference.

Putting only apTrigga on the track, no SD before it, I presume? I've never used apTrigga so I'm not sure if you can choose which midi note to use (ie 35 for kick) or if you have to split/route them to individual tracks.
Sorry if this is something basic, but how would I do that?

Btw, I'm using the stack mode so all of my snare samples are blended together, if that makes a difference.

I don't know your DAW, but in PT I can choose the output I want, and this can be even plugins like ApTRigga, not necessary a bus or a normal audio output.
So basically the midi track is sending midi notes to aptrigga, this way is triggering everything.
what's your DAW? you're making this is a little more difficult than is necessary...is your goal to... have a chunk of MIDI, feed it into superior, and then also feed some MIDI to aptrigga for added supporting samples? I've done this a bunch.
Sorry guys, I'm using Reaper.

I have a midi file on my track with Superior Drummer. Then I have a bunch of tracks under that for each piece of the kit, all going to a drum bus. I just want to be able to put aptrigga on my snare, kick, or whatever and have it playback any velocity the midi file has.
And my problem being it either only picks up the hard hits and none of the soft ones, or hitting just the soft ones but not the hard.

Hopefully I explained that a little better. :/
alright so you're trying to REPLACE portions of the SD kit with other samples, using aptrigga, by triggering audio with it.

this isn't the best way to do this, because aptrigga works beautifully with MIDI and and takes some getting used to when triggering it with audio.

i do the same thing, but with a different approach. here's what i recommend you do:

1. start off with just superior, and your MIDI. nothing else.
2. make a new empty track for each drum you want to be triggering with aptrigga.
3. make sure snap is on (alt+s) and ctrl+click the MIDI to duplicate it on each of the new tracks
4. now say you have a new track you want to trigger a different snare sample with. open the MIDI on that track, zoom out, and delete all of the hits except the snare hits. this is really easy..just zoom all the way out, identify the snare hits, delete everything above and everything below.

5. do this again for the other drums.

6. the end result should be a separate track with its own MIDI, just for that drum.

7. put one instance of aptrigga on each track and load the appropriate samples

8. the MIDI, instead of audio, will trigger the samples with exact precision and will void any fear of incosistency caused by the audio of superior. it will also save a little CPU load, as there's no triggering algorithms going on.

ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT IN REAPER: make sure ALL the MIDI feeding the aptrigga instances does not have any velocity 127 hits. 126 must be the max, due to an obscure bug.

now... if you're using slate, and you wanna take it a step further....

say you have your MIDI snare track feeding aptrigga. duplicate it a few times, and put all those duplicates under one folder called "slateSnare" or whatever.
use each instance for a specific velocity level. example:


So you have a separate aptrigga instance with those particular samples per velocity layer loaded in, and then you just snip the original snare MIDI file and plop the pieces where they belong corresponding to how hard you want it to be. this, if you're using slate, is the best way to do it if you want full control over the velocities. ....atleast this is how i do it and it works great.

Make sure each instance of aptrigga is set to RANDOM when doing it this way.

now if you don't want to blend the samples with superior (which i think is awesome), you can just go into the superior construction window and disable whichever drum you don't want. this will save you a bunch of RAM, too.
Holy shit... thank you so much!

This seriously made my day. :D

Oh, and not that it's a big deal, but why does Reaper not trigger 127? Has this been addressed and planned on being fixed in versions to come?
Holy shit... thank you so much!

This seriously made my day. :D

Oh, and not that it's a big deal, but why does Reaper not trigger 127? Has this been addressed and planned on being fixed in versions to come?

it's some odd specific bug that only happens with aptrigga in reaper. itt'l still play the sample, but RANDOM mode in aptrigga won't work if you send it 127's...itt'l only play one sample, even if several are loaded. this was originally the "marcus bug" since he first brought it up and emailed apul regarding it. pretty obscure, no fix as of yet that i know of. but you can quickyl set a batch of hits to 126 by select-dragging over all of them, right clicking one of them (while they're all still selected), and going to velocity > 126