Arby n' The Chief

Only reason this is awesome is because you always end up running into people like that in Halo 3.

That's because everyone who plays Halo 3 is a douche. Everyone who makes this douchery based on Halo 3? A super douche. And the people who watch this douchery made by these super douches? A douche of unfathomable douche proportions. The Omega Douche. Douche Prime. Apocadouchico.
Typical anti-*insert anything popular and "mainstream" here* post which only serves the purpose of attempting to emphasize the posters "Oh so cynical and alternative" way of thinking that we've all seen too many times before.

Yeah, people who play Halo 3 tend to gargle cum like that. It's a side effect of the completely unimaginative and unoriginal GAY that is that game series.

If playing Halo 3 makes you gargle cum then what game is it that you play which makes you swallow spunk by the gallon?
The same game you play to get off every night: Bratz

I'd rather jerk it to Bratz than the title you prefer:

It's the only game on the wii that has an redeeming factors. That's for sure. But always remember, Bestiality via stick waggling is 3 steps above cartoon pedophilia.
So you're saying you fuck young children due to the fact that you find fetishes disturbing? But, in a way, isn't fucking children a fetish on it's own? Either way, you have problems.