Arch Enemy Live- Richmond VA-Nov 1st 2002

Flaming Death

It must have been strange
Jul 23, 2002
Arch Enemy
Nov 1st, 2002
969 Club, Richmond VA

I heard the news about a special show by Arch Enemy for November 1st. This was supposed to be an off day for Arch Enemy but for some reason they decided to do this show. I decided to make the 4-hour journey to Richmond; I arrived at the club around 10pm. I waited in line for about 2 hours or more before they let us inside the club. After getting inside Arch Enemy immediately started. Their were no supporting bands for this show. It was awesome; this was the closest I have ever been at any show. Despite the low turnout of about 30 people they ripped up the stage. Playing some great tunes from Wages of Sin and also stuff from older albums, like The Immortal, Dark Insanity etc.

This was my second time seeing Arch Enemy, first being with Nile. I will have to say this time was better. They played for about an hour and did not play the encore, nonetheless it was great. I got an awesome handshake from Chris Amott. I shook my hand only; maybe it was because I was clapping like a madman. I went outside and caught up with Michael Amott and asked for his autograph and got it. He signed the directions I used to get to the club because it was the only paper I had.

This was an amazing show and I am glad I decided to go. It was only 8$ and Arch Enemy ruled the stage! I would like to thank Arch Enemy for deciding to do the show on their day off.

cool man. i saw them the opening night of the tour and they fucking ruled. ill be seeing them again the last night, november 15th in brooklyn as well. its cool of them to play a show on their day off, i agree!