Arch Enemy - My Apocalypse Cover ( Multitracks)

In fact there is already quite a bit of reverb, at elast I found that with more it was a little blurry...
TBH I was quite tired when I mixed it, I'll have to do some changes when my ears (and brain)) will be fresher!
Hey, thanks for sharing the sources! Especially, live drums. :headbang:

I've just recorded the vocals for this song, so gonna upload the tracks as well, once the mix is ready.
Hey, thanks for sharing the sources! Especially, live drums. :headbang:

I've just recorded the vocals for this song, so gonna upload the tracks as well, once the mix is ready.

You're welcome! Awesome for recording the vocals! Post your mix when you finish it!

Hey man! Thanks for sharing this awesome live drums & clean DIs.

I love live drums <3 No samples/replacements used on this one, I want to practice my live drums mixing w/o relying much on samples!​
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Hey man! Thanks for sharing this awesome live drums & clean DIs.

I love live drums <3 No samples/replacements used on this one, I want to practice my live drums mixing w/o relying much on samples!​

Hi man, I'm glad you like the multitracks. Nice mix!
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Reactions: ShamStalin

Here is my mix of this song, really enjoy it and nice to mix real drums ^^
There is something that I'm not crazy about in the mix regarding to snare drums.

This was fun to mix. thanks for the mult. Heres my go, hope u like it. i Blended in a snare sample but otherwise is org drums. bass was ezmix and guitars kemper 5150 and 6534+ profile.

Template public:_media_site_embed_soundcloud not found. Try rebuilding or reinstalling the s9e/MediaSites add-on.
Thanks for uploading =]
Live drums with added samples (Slate kick 10, snare 12a, quick toms)
Bass through Darkglass B7K to MXR graphic to LA-610.
Guitars TS808 to 6505 to Rectifier cab to 57 to Neve.
This mix reminded of how much I hate 421s. They sound great but horrible spill =[