Arch Enemy-spinoff with Sneap-samples (mp3)

Moonlapse said:
Storyteller man, that's fantastic. I had absolutely no idea the ability to do really good high-gain modelling was right under my fingertips this whole time!

Thanks a heap for those settings, I used something similar to test drive my new Hellraiser (and some pitiful attempts at Malmsteen/Nevermore) and I think for a starting point, its pretty good.

So much for blowing money on Guitar Rig and the like, haha.

Thanks again!

Glad I could help! :) As I said earlier; it needs a lot of EQ tweaking to be really usable, but it's a good starting point.
You know what? It reminds me In Flames Whoracle guitar tone. Just a little less sharp. It's more Nordstrom style than Sneap style...
~BURNY~ said:
You know what? It reminds me In Flames Whoracle guitar tone. Just a little less sharp. It's more Nordstrom style than Sneap style...

I like the Fredman guitar sound. :)

Fredrik Nordström once told me that the Whoracle tone were created with a BOSS Metal Zone straight into the effect loop return of a small Marshall Valvestate... or maybe that was Jester Race. But I believe it was Whoracle.
cool piece.. low end and low mids need to be brought a bit more under control.. i've been streaming music from my iTunes to my home stereo all morning, and when i played your piece it really started crapping out my speakers from the low end.
great sound now i finally remember what that mid part sounds like
it sounds a bit like square nothing from in flames album clayman nothing like
arch enemy yeah maybe they ripped from in flames like all modern bands do
what kind of guitar pickup config? I dig the track musically. I am listening to it in my HR824s right now and the kick and bass are really flabby and resonant especially in the double bass parts. I can see this farting out on most home/car systems.

Great stuff man love to hear what you could do with a full band in this vien.
Yeah, you're right about the In Flames stuff... and I can assure you it's not only Square Nothing. ;)

The lows seems to be a be a big problem here. Too bad I don't have another set of speakers here; that would help a lot. In my last apartment I had my stereo equipment in the same room, which made it easy to check stuff like this on HUGE hifi speakers.

I'm off to finland now to open for Helloween, but I'll be back on tuesday or so, and then I'll take a deeper look into this! THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP EVERYONE!