Arch Enemy Tour Report mentions Nevermore


Eyes Wide Open
Nov 15, 2001
Bay Area, California
Taken from the Arch Enemy Studio Report.

21 07 02 Seattle, WA / Graceland

It feels so good to play a great show after yesterday! After checking out the amusement park of Seattle we conquer the stage and rock the house. The Nevermore guys joined our little party afterwards, praising Arch Enemy and bringing bottles of Absinthe (deadly!), Whiskey and other dangerous spirits. In the end some people literally fell out of the bus, proper walking was a big problem and somebody took a shit in our bus bathroom which brought us close to throwing up the next day –pungent stench!
yes it is illegal to sell in the US but it is perfectly legal to own and to have other countries ship it to people living in the US... strange I know, but this is the land of the free

Absinthe is not really dangerous anymore, as the amounts thujone (the dangerous ingredient that causes hallucinations, permanent neural damage etc.) allowed in it is strictly regulated nowadays in Europe. Back in the day the amounts of thujone in the drink was a lot more, and there was no regulation at all. So it was a really dangerous drink if consumed regularly.

Not to say you don't get drunk drinking it - you do, it is quite a strong liquid. I haven't actually tried it yet though.
hahah :) that post is so funny and cool- you know why?
im in The Netherlands right now, typing this from a cool city of Harderwijk, and guess what i didn today????
had some drinks with friends- and we had Absinthe!
you guys should try that.. it is dengeraous shit indeed!
good ol'europe! people here know what a good booze is!!!

P.s: its illegal in canada also...
well yeh. canada is our little brother, and if it wants to still be our frined it has to make everything we dont like illegal. pretty lame.
lol neal :lol:
i cant even get Marlboro there as you know!

i sometimes dont know who is more strict- canada or US..

anyways- im gonna hide some bottles in my suitcase when im coming back - thats for sure!
anyone who wants to join- is welcome!