stole this from the Arch Enemy tour diary

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
4 shows done...
11/03/02 17:36


Hello everybody...yes, we are back in the USA again...seems that we are always here's cool, we enjoy it over here! And this time we are headlining which means longer setlists and more Arch Enemy for your dollar basically...ha-ha! Last night was amazing. (Old Bridge NJ, Birch Hill) 650 metalheads came in through the door..the crowd was awesome and we were honored by the response...this was our 2nd time there this year and we are already looking forward to next time (next year?)...the 3 first shows were OK, but last night it really clicked and I think the rest of the tour is gonna be sick! The guys in the bands that are touring with us, GOD FORBID and SWORN ENEMY are cool, come early and check them out. We are crossing the border to Canada tonight and we'll be playing in Montreol and Toronto over the next couple of days...we've not played up there w/ Angela yet (last time was January 2000 w/ Nevermore - it was freezing cold! Brrr..) - We are psyched about that! So, Canada here we come, hope you are prepared for this METAL attack!

See you.......!


:D i was at the Birch Hill show! bwaha!
I dont go just for the main band, I have and always will check out the openers.:D

If I just went for the main band, I would not have heard In Flames at the Iced Earth show thus being iscolated from Death Metal.I also got to hear a kick ass band called necromonicon when I saw Kataklysm.
I should get an Arch Enemy CD or a God Forbid, but Im not sure which is good.Well, I do have WoS...
lets see
Im young(15)
brown long hair(kinda long, well, in the font-to my chin-back is to the middle of my back I think)
grey jacket
Iced Earth shirt(tribute to the gods)
black pants

look good