Arch Enemy - Wages Of Sin

Mountain Man

Blow It All To Hell!
Feb 24, 2002
West Virginia
After many thoroughly listened to both discs and I really feel that I already received my money’s worth. Why? Here are the reasons:

The Music: For disc #1, the music is very tight and the performance of each individual in the group is great. I’ll look at each member’s performance.

The Amott Brothers: I love the fact that I can buy and album and hear the familiar sounds of Carcass in Arch Enemy. It’s a shame that Carcass broke up, but we still can hear Michael’s guitar work loud and clear with AE. Sometimes I feel as if I’m listening to a Carcass album when I listen to various AE songs, that’s why I like them so much. Anyway, as always, these guys bring excellent technical guitar playing with melody intertwined to almost every album they appear on, and this album is no different. The guitar trades between leads and openings are smooth and tie into the songs perfectly. The guitar effort for this album gets my two thumbs up.

Daniel: Ah, drumming it’s a wonderful part of music, especially in metal. I finally feel that this album truly showcases Daniel’s drumming ability. The production of the album highlights all the great parts of the drum kit: cymbal work, tom rolls, double-bass work and snare work. I feel that Daniel has finally done a little showing off of his skills behind the kit (adding his own flares, here and there) and I’m glad to hear this change.

Sharlee: In my opinion, metal groups bass guitarists seem to get overlooked, for what reason I don’t know why, but for me Sharlee’s works stand out on this album. The bass lines are heard loud and clear when they are needed to stand out and they flow well with the songs, yes I like it.

Angela: Well, I saved the Angela for last, not because I think her performance in the group is last, it’s because I have a lot to say about her. First off I have to say, WOW! I can’t believe that a growl like that would come from a petite woman like Angela. It’s pretty neat. I finally feel that Angela’s vocal bring something to the table that AE has been missing since their first album, which is VOICE RANGE. Don’t get me wrong I love old AE, but I my opinion Johan always had trouble projecting his vocals on the albums. It could be that it was a production issue, but I think it was his voice that was weak, not the production. Angela can hit the highs and low growls with preciseness and it flows really well with the music. I’m happy to see a singer change and I’m looking forward to more future work by her.

Disc #2: There are some interesting songs on this. Finally we get to hear the bonus tracks from the Japanese releases (that is unless you’ve already forked out the big cash for the imports) and the other rare songs. Who would have thought that we would get three cover songs on a disc? You get Judas Priest, Maiden (oh yes) and Europe; it’s an interesting mixture and but it’s a good one. The other tracks are so-so, some good some bad. Finally, the artwork is solid (Good choice of colors & disc design).

Overall, the whole album is great, and I hope all of you are enjoying. Thanks for taking the time out to read my thoughts; sorry it’s so long. I had to take a break from writing my new-editorial articles. I needed to relax a bit and talk about music. See ya
Cool review. I think Angela's vocals remind me a little of Chuck Schuldiner. I really like Wages of Sin. It will probably be in my top ten of 2002. In my opinion, AE are the answer to Soilwork's potential downfalls. If you want melody, but not the "delicate" vocals of Soilwork, AE is probably the way to go.
Carcass? Carcass?!?. Arch Enemy will never be half the band Carcass was, not in thier sound, not in thier career, not in thier legacy.

I don't understand, I honestly don't.....i've listened to Wages Of Sin over 2 dozen times, not because I enjoyed it or needed to hear it, but because every time I thought i'd overlooked something that everyone else was hearing and I wasn't. What I see in Wages of Sin is a banal, run-of-the-mill release that can be called solid at best but otherwise unergetic, lacklustre, and painfully undermining of the talent that the individuals seem to have. They might be able to play thier instruments, but thier songwriting sure as hell doesn't say so.

Why don't people just look past Arch Enemy and see there are far better bands playing far better material with members who are far less famous.
Wages of Sin sucks. I heard it for the first time in a while today and found just a couple of decent riffs. The rest were simple, unoriginal, crappy and boring. To add that with the not-so-good leads, toned down solos and generic vocals, you've got a poor album.
I think "Wages Of Sin" is a really great album!!! And I can hear a certain resemblence to the Heartwork era of Carcass. I know that Michael Amott came into Carcass during the Necroticsm so his contribution to that record was a bit limited (songwritingvice). But yes, I can hear a resemblence to some of the stuff from Heartwork. Carcass was and will always be a great band!!!!
damn i play bass and i can't hear the bass on this thing for the life of me. While sharlees tone is not too bad it is greatly masked by the guitars and i can only hear the bass when the guitars step back
MACMONEY : You are 100% wrong: Unoriginal > no Arch Enemy
is very original, & been doing it for 4 albums. Crappy & Boring >
It's to advanced for you to appreciate. Not So Good Leads >
The AMOTT brothers are amazing. Toned Down Solo's > You just do not know what choice licks are, they are tastefull & moving, & I love the melodic style they have. Generic Vocals > She holds her own. Poor Album > NO WAY! But your review is the worst review I ever read. Why not read what everyone else has said about Wages Of Sin, your on your own tiny island. I think it's a great album, well that went over your head MACMONEY, but you can go back to your weaker metals, how about reviewing Load & Reloaded, I'm sure you have nothing but complements............:lol: :lol: :p :lol: :eek: :eek:
Originally posted by Deadly Embrace
MACMONEY : You are 100% wrong: Unoriginal > no Arch Enemy
is very original, & been doing it for 4 albums. Crappy & Boring >
It's to advanced for you to appreciate. Not So Good Leads >
The AMOTT brothers are amazing. Toned Down Solo's > You just do not know what choice licks are, they are tastefull & moving, & I love the melodic style they have. Generic Vocals > She holds her own. Poor Album > NO WAY! But your review is the worst review I ever read. Why not read what everyone else has said about Wages Of Sin, your on your own tiny island. I think it's a great album, well that went over your head MACMONEY, but you can go back to your weaker metals, how about reviewing Load & Reloaded, I'm sure you have nothing but complements............:lol: :lol: :p :lol: :eek: :eek:

Boy, do you suck or what. Try learn writing cohesive posts before writing anything like this.

Let's see...

Unoriginal: Didn't mention anything like that.

Crappy & boring: Yes, simple riffs, simple song structures. Just compare it with any of the other AE albums.

Toned down solos: Comparing the solos of this album and the earlier albums, the solos are much shorter and simpler.

Generic vocals: Indeed, she sounds like the lots of other gothenburg band vocalists.

What anyone else says, doesn't bother me. Why? Because the majority of people seem to like Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears over music. That's why the majority isn't always right.

And about Load & Reload. They're more or less boring. Just because I don't like one album you think I like Load, Reload and all other non-metal albums. Boy, you really are stupid.

NP: Heathen - Heathen's Song
MAKE NO MISTAKE, Carcass - Heartworks is a great fuckin album. But damn Swansong was tiring, drenched in mid-tempo 4/4 rock beats and overly saturated with punk ideals/lyrics. It absolutely was a step backwards for the Amott brothers.

Wages of Sin didn't grab me at first, it defintiely took a handful of listens. In the beginning I was very hesitant to skip through certain tracks because I didn't like the intro riff or certain other parts. But after awhile you let the whole album sink in and its easily up on the same calibre as At The Gates - SOTS. Arch Enemy weave in all the bnecessary elements. Heaviness, speed, melody, death touches, thrash touches, old school, new shcool. Snowbound is one of the coolest cleantone guitar tracks ive ever heard. Every song leads into the next.

Who said Angelas vocals are generic? Holy shit she can get more range than the majority of her male metal vocalist peers, not to mention her lyrics (which no one has mentioned so far) really stand out. Angela commands respect on that album and im sure she commands respect at all her live appearances. Dont think of her as different because she is female. First and foremost she is a vocalist, age or gender are a non-issue. Besides im sure shes more pleasant to look at than you trashed up stinky metalheads :D

I play bass too and I am very impressed by sharlee's skills. But overall theres no parts where he truly shines in his own light. personally i think the rhytmn section (bass, drums) are the solid foundation beneath the guitars - which really stand out.
Im new here but just want to say I have this album and freakign listen to it almsot everyday. The guitars sounds fuycking sweet and Angelas Growls are awesome. This pumps me up to go to work every day
Originally posted by Heartless
MAKE NO MISTAKE, Carcass - Heartworks is a great fuckin album. But damn Swansong was tiring, drenched in mid-tempo 4/4 rock beats and overly saturated with punk ideals/lyrics. It absolutely was a step backwards for the Amott brothers.

You're definitely right on with the Heartwork album being a fuckin awesome album, unfortunately the same cannot be said for Swansong, it was a let down. Anyway, the Amott brothers had nothing to do with Carcass's Swansong album, here is the lineup of that album.

Ken Owen : Drums
Carlo Regadas : Guitar
Bill Steer : Guitar
Jeff Walker : Bass, Vocals
jesus, thats weird. Ive owned Swansong for years and never noticed that the Amott bro's weren't in the band. *shrugs* theres only a couple of songs that even stand out. Its bland otherwise.

Heartwork however is legendary.

Arch Enemy is the reincarnated evolved version of Carcass. Sweeeet :D

Anyone like EBONY TEARS?