"ARCH ENEMY welcomes Jeff Loomis as their new guitarist"

Dumb idea. Sounds to me like ones solo venture has not financially worked out.

He should join Nevermore.
Bździgniew;10935625 said:
Sounds kinda like "no third solo album anytime soon"

And no Nevermore reunion.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Amott play 6 strings? So will they go 7 string or is Jeff gonna have to restock on 6s?
Can't imagine anybody saw that one coming - will be interesting to see if this turns into a full-time gig or if it is just a way for him to pull a paycheck and still get in front of some bigger crowds. I used to be a big AE fan but the last few releases have been average at best, if he joined and started to contribute writing, then this could be even bigger news.
Alyssa has a beautiful voice.. hopefully this is a step in the direction of her using it instead of the I gargled battery acid for the last week vox. But whatev..
I guess a long 2015 tour plan also means no Witchery album any time soon, since Sharlee is part of that project. I'd rather have more Witchery than AE.
well they have about 5 albums i havent really heard so i dont think this will sway me to go see em, BUT if Loomis sticks around and contributes (more than just solos) to a new AE album that collaboration could maybe re-energize some late 90s heros into creating something cool? maybe?
And no Nevermore reunion.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Amott play 6 strings? So will they go 7 string or is Jeff gonna have to restock on 6s?

Why would you need to change a 7 string to a 6 string? Aside from convenience, anything you play on a 6 string can be played on a 7. Chris Broderick uses a 7 string with Megadeth.
Why would you need to change a 7 string to a 6 string? Aside from convenience, anything you play on a 6 string can be played on a 7. Chris Broderick uses a 7 string with Megadeth.

are you sure Chris plays 7's with Megadeth. I remember reading that when he joined, he had to go back to a 6 string. He plays Jackson signature series. He has both 6, and 7 string models. I thought Dave was opposed to the 7 strings.

here is an interview with him saying he plays 6 string with Megadeth. http://iheartguitarblog.com/2011/10/interview-megadeths-chris-broderick.html#sthash.JKBw4zDN.dpbs
Why would you need to change a 7 string to a 6 string? Aside from convenience, anything you play on a 6 string can be played on a 7. Chris Broderick uses a 7 string with Megadeth.

No he does not. He uses 6 strings. You'd think Chris would just use a 7 and play the regular 6 but nope. I've seen him do non-Megadeath stuff with his 7, though.

It's funny how different Chris is when he's away from Megadeth. He uses his signature 7, and he shows off the guns. Mustaine must order him to cover up, presumably to avoid any embarrassment. :D
I've been doing that since yesterday. This was the shit back then. In some sense, AE is like In Flames: Probably a lot more popular today (which is good for them), but not anymore in my musical taste.

No one went downhill like In Flames. No one. Yes AE changed a little but listen to "Jester Race" and then the latest IF travesty. It's not even remotely the same band.
No one went downhill like In Flames. No one. Yes AE changed a little but listen to "Jester Race" and then the latest IF travesty. It's not even remotely the same band.

I won't argue on that. I just wish AE stayed with something like they were doing with Johan Liiva and Christopher Amott.
Suddenly, I don't look so silly for bashing this guy, anymore.

Do you want to admit he's a sell out now, or wait until the next Arch Enemy album bombs and he comes crawling back to Nevermore? You people actually think this might be good? You think Mike is going to pull a 180 and turn the direction of the band around? You have to be fucking kidding me. Go renew your Guitar World subscriptions, I'm sure your little poster girl will be all over it.

Yes, I'm mad. Mad that one of the best guitarist that ever lived is such an egoistical money-hungry douche-bag.
I think it's funny that everyone just assumes all it will take is for Jeff to say "OK lets do it!" and Nevermore will be instantly back together.

That band is never coming back.