arcturus lyrics


Scaldic Art
Jan 11, 2002
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I post this on the borkagar board too but I really wan't the lyrics so I post it here again
I bought a album with some old stuff, outtakes and more of Arcturus. But they left the lyrics out of the booklet

Can someone please mail me the lyrics of the nexs songs:

1. Wintry Grey
2. Whence and whither goest the wind
3. Raudt og svart
4. The Bodkin & the quietus
5. Du nordavind
6. Fall of man
8. Naar kulda tar
9. The deep in the skies
10. My angel
16. Morax

oh, the album you can found the following things:
Aspera Hiems Symfonia '95
Constellation '94
My angel '91

Thanks you in advance!:)