Are Anathema from Toxteth?

Jun 19, 2003
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I hope not! :tickled:

Lovely place, Toxteth. Never again, never again... you wander in in search of a pint, you wander out without your wallet, your jacket, and your sense of humour.

BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!! :yuk:
did you get mugged? its not the nicest place. the only time i ever got mugged it was around about that area too. i cant wait to get out of liverpool. full of nobheads and too far away from, like, holland.
why Holland, do you like it?
Me, I've never been there :( but everyone says I have to one day, as it's worth it

is this Toxteth an area of Liverpool than? (sorry may sound like I'm a dumbass... never been there neither :erk: )
Yeah, I was mugged there!
Toxteth is a neighbourhood in the 'pool.
You'd probably never come across it if you only went to the Beatles museum, but NEVER go there anyway! :loco:
Not everyone there's a twonking cobber, but many are.
Even a Keano jersey wouldn't save you.
never go to the Beatles museum? :)
we have places like that here in Budapest as well... here's one not far from here and I know much ppl who were mugged or got beaten there, like my cousin and a few of my ex-classmates... wondering how can this area (where I live) be this peaceful, if I think about what's just 2-300 meters by
hahahaha .. toxteth.. you poor lad. I got lost in toxteth when I was 11 and me and my friends got chased and I ripped my jacket on a railing and got took home by a woman who worked at some old peoples home around that area. She took pity on me crying about me addidas jacket.

Im with danny as soon as possible Im outta this area.. not too holland like cos Ive gotta go uni before I leave the country. But Scotland or London maybe?
cos it would be too hard for me to do a degree in another country due to language boundries. Ill obviously travel I mean leave the country for good here andy.
you'll get mugged in london too, come to athy, you wont get mugged but you'll get beaten up and be left with your money, its alrite here haha
toxteth is up and coming at the moment, they're planning on spending £53 million on the area to build an art gallery,sculptures to line princes road and nice trees being planted.
i seriously cant wait 'til something like this is started in the north end of liverpool, but maybe im being naive we dont have pc do-gooders championing our cause.
I want some money but I cant draw for toffee and I dont live in toxteth so Im fooked like. Why cant widnes get like town of the year or summert so I can cash in.