Are Kangaroos 1/2 Human, 1/2 Rabbit?

Screw Worm

Nasal stowaway…of death!
The screw worm, actually a fly, is nothing you want to bait a fish hook with. It thrives in the wet regions of the U.S., Mexico, and Central America and grows to about twice the size of a housefly. Adults are harmless, but their kids are very poorly behaved. Female screws find a wound or orifice and lay about 200 eggs in it. The maggots then feed for a few days before burrowing headfirst into the flesh and eating the victim alive. The larvae can consume a cow in five to seven days. Are you safe? No. Screws love humans and usually start at the nostrils. How ’bout that? Given a choice—wait for it—they pick your nose.

Danger Level:
Doomcifer said:

Well, this is a goddamn One Inch Ant then... I've been stung by several "regular" ants last week-end while trekking. Tiny bitches they are, hopefully the pain doesn't last more than a dozen minutes or so...


So black metal :tickled:
Ellestin said:
Well, this is a goddamn One Inch Ant then...

The ants I've been bit by, fire ants (the big red fuckers) hurt the most, but the pain goes away within a day. Grease ants though NOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo those things fucking SUCK. They are irritable little tiny fucks with red bodies and black asses, if they crawl on you for whatever reason they WILL bite, and the shit itches for like 5 days. I used to get scabs all over my feet from itching those bites so much. Bastards!
Ellestin said:
hopefully the pain doesn't last more than a dozen minutes or so...

The pain/numbness lasts 24 hours almost to the minute, and spread several feat from where it started. Some of those Zoological show dudes are psyco.

Animal Planet rules. =) =)
Doomcifer said:
PlatypusThe poison is unusual in that it attacks pain receptors, disabling its victims with pure agony.

Holly. Fuck.

How bout those little 'fellahs that swim up your weiner and spike your pee hole? Yowzas.
Well my ants were emofags then, 'cause they sure had harmless venom compared to the abominations you're referring to. German woods are pretty safe as far as wildlife goes. Except for your casual wildboar, you won't stumble on any of those nasty animals that make wandering as life-threatening as crossing a six-way autobahn by night, duckwalking...
Ellestin said:
Well my ants were emofags then, 'cause they sure had harmless venom compared to the abominations you're referring to. German woods are pretty safe as far as wildlife goes. Except for your casual wildboar, you won't stumble on any of those nasty animals that make wandering as life-threatening as crossing a six-way autobahn by night, duckwalking...

Roo's are pretty deadly too. People have been gutted by them. They've got immensely powerful legs and tail, they just hop up onto their tail, lean backwards and a kick to the gut it all it'll take to tear you open. The big cunts grow up to 7-8 feet tall too. Do not fuck with roo's.
Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
btw, Tully, you're sig cracks me up, simply cause I enjoy reading RA Salvatore's books (the author who came up with Drizzt fyi).

Me to, and 'course i know that, I made the sig =P haha.
Last week I had a lecture on early german film and learned that the plot chosen for one of the first films ever made (1895), was "man boxing a kangaroo"


We didn't get to see it, but it looks pretty hilarious :grin: (haha it is actually wearing gloves)
Do not fuck with roo's.

QFT, they will fuck you up.

They will also run across a road get scared by an oncoming truck and run back across the road because they know it was safe over there, only to be nailed by said truck

They actually get shot as pests on farms and along with the emu are said to be the only animals eaten that appear on a countries coat of arms. take that Canada!