Are there any other...

Sep 16, 2007
... helpful recording/production/mixing forums like this one? If so it would be much appreciated if you would leave a link for me to check out.

"Helpful?" Easy answer: No. There's plenty of forums with lots of gear snobs & self-righteous attitudes..... but, we try to help each other out around here. That's why I keep coming back.

There are tons and more popping up all the time. Google is your friend.

The first that come to mind personally are / / Make sure to keep in the back of your head to take some of the opinions on gearslutz with a grain of salt. I sit back and see trends of gear come and go while everyone acts as if you can't make a good recording if you don't have the latest piece of hardware in your rack and the same if it's not boutique/esoteric enough. Most gear discussions containing repeated instances of the words warm and "mojo" are usually opinions subjective to the poster. Trust your ears first.

As for recording/production/mixing any and all forms of heavy music your in the belly of the beast right now my friend. You will not find a better community with better people.
There are other places... but this is the best.

Because of me. I just fucking win all over the place. You're welcome.

Oh, and that guy Andi Schneep is pretty cool, too, if you're into people with funny accents.

Read Tape Op magazine, and take the board with a good sense of humor. GearSlutz is a great place to go if you want to test mixes out and see how much people's opinions of your mixes change *after* you tell them what you actually used - tell them you used an 1173 and people cream themselves over your mix, tell them it was really a modded DMP3 and all of a sudden your high end is blurry, your mids are shit, and your bass is out of control. Honestly, though, it wouldn't surprise me if you found every answer you needed here - it's just that badass. Again, you're welcome.

I've ventured through lots of recording forums and communities, but honestly, this is the only one I frequently visit. All the "I think it might be like that or at least that's what our drummer told me last night when playing Singstar" commonly seen on most forums seems to be replaced with "I've done it countless times and this is how it goes" around here. Fucking priceless for anyone interested in working with metal music.
I agree. I have started reading the Rap/HipHop Forum on Gearslutz lately because there was some famous producer answering questions and man, I am most disappointed in Gearslutz. While this (Andy's) forum proves that you can make kickass music with lower class gear, Gearslutz seems to prove that you can more easily make shitty music with awesome gear ...
Yea Ive been to those other forums also and honestly now this is the only forum I visit. Everyone here is the best and there is just so much great info on here!
the other good ting about this one over gearslutzs is its not swamped with members. There are so many people on gearslutzs the site can run away from you.
I like gearslutz a lot but you have to spend a lot of time in there and check out profiles, links, cv's etc. to see who's opinions you are actually interested in there. As w/ the entire internet there are some insanely smart/successful/talented and helpful folks there but there are far more professional know-it-alls who talk big and have done absolutely garner the maximum benefit it pays to lurk and figure out who is who. Avoid the dumb neve vs vintech threads and focus on the gobs of useful info. I think GS is worth your time if only to read the expert q+a archives.
I keep hearing about hearslutz but never went over there.

I just killed 2-3 hours reading up, very vast community that has a broad spectrum of information.
smy1 said:
While this (Andy's) forum proves that you can make kickass music with lower class gear, Gearslutz seems to prove that you can more easily make shitty music with awesome gear ...

Lol, exactly!

JBroll said:
GearSlutz is a great place to go if you want to test mixes out and see how much people's opinions of your mixes change *after* you tell them what you actually used - tell them you used an 1173 and people cream themselves over your mix, tell them it was really a modded DMP3 and all of a sudden your high end is blurry, your mids are shit, and your bass is out of control.

HAHA. It's true. Everyone there likes to be snobs about gear. If it's not $1,000/channel, it's not worth recording with. Or if it doesn't say Neve or API on it...bleh. I've tried....several times to give that place a shot, and each time all I get is bullshit. I can't stand that place. Bunch of useless wannabes and morons trying to justify their $3,234,256,747,213,123,734 equipment by putting your modest rig down. I think this forum, like smy1 said, has proven you can get some pretty damn cheap gear and get excellent results with it.

To summarize: No, there aren't any other forums like this. This one is the absolute best.

Yeah I had a feeling this forum was special.. If anyone does come across some other interesting forums though, leave a link so we can check it out

Thanks everyone
I confess..........This forum is and has great is worth all time time I spend over here:)
someone mentioned - that's one I go to, and usually I'll post a new song here, there, and at seymour duncan's forum to get responses. between those 3 I can usually fix most any problem thanks to the cool people that hang around.

this board has some of the best producers that's for sure (I'm not including myself in that category). I like the internationalness of it too. don't know if anyone else thinks it's pretty cool that someone in some far off country heard my shit!