Death/Grind Vocals with a TonePort UX1

Is it possible to use the UX-1 in combination with a vocal preamp (like BEHRINGER MIC200 TUBE ULTRAGAIN) for vocals?
Or isn't that possible (or will sound shitty) because there are two input levels to set?

For using a condenser mic I have to get a little box for phantom powering the UX-1. I thought maybe it's a better idea to use the little money for a cheap preamp which also provides phantom power and makes it sound better.
If you´re not using an external pop filter, you may want to run some extensive testing before recording the real thing. SM58 without a pop filter can be a bitch with plosives and proximity effect, so take your time with your pal to find out which distance and vocal technique is better for each of you.

If you´re using the Toneport, just adjust the input gain to a decent level without ever let it clip. With a SM58 should be around 60%. On POD Farm you may want to use the Vintage UK pre with drive 0, volume 100, HPF on 160 or 200, and the rest of EQ turned off. I recommend you to stay away from POD Farm´s compression, color EQ and de-esser, at least for vocals. Use other plugins for these stuff, like Variety Of Sound and Digital Fish Phone stuff.

Truth is, when the singer is great and the take is inspired, it´s really easy to record a great vocal even with the cheapest gear.