ARE WE DEAD YET? CD REVIEW posted over at!

Final_Product said:
I don't accept that. I call myself a fan of many bands, yet I don't enjoy every CD. I still go to gigs, buy the odd but of merchandise etc, but that doesn't mean I have to like everything they put out. Thats nonsense.

If you make 100 AYDY-sucks threads, do you call yourself a fan then? (I didn't refer to you)
I wouldnt necessarily say I wasnt a fan. I'd say it'd be stupid, but it IS possble to be a fan and NOT enjoy everything a band puts out.
gonda said:
It disgusts me to no end to see how easily people are swayed into liking new things for no reason... it's equally gross however, how quickly a "fan" can turn on a band. If you like a group's music and within an album or two hate them, then you were never a fan, but merely someone who liked a particular album (just as retarded as a trend-follower).

Times change and so do artists. Musical sounds will evolve and consequently bands will put out different sounding CDs. What is crucial however is that you respect and realise how talented these artists actually are and appreciate their new music for what it has become, where it began, and the entire journey in between!

Stop being such 1 dimensional idiots and learn how to expand your mind and appreciate different sounding music!

Imagine this: You have a best friend whos been by your side for 10 years. One day he punches you in the face, steals your money and kills and rapes your girlfriend in that order. Why can you turn on people but not a band?

gonda said:
CHILDREN OF BODOM rule now and forever. Why you ask? ‘Cause they don’t give a crap what anyone thinks of their music, they hate the corporate music entity, and they will ALWAYS play what they want!

Who the fuck cares about what they think about the corporate music entity, their latest album still sucks shit.