Are you a political activist?

Yeah, I know all about the global conspiracy stuff, been reading about it since I was you remember when Chuck Harter was on the radio? :lol: Good times. I used to think alot more about it than I do now though...simply because, despite everyone's talk of the 'skulls and bones' and all this that our president and a good number of those elected officials in our other branches of government understand what a bad deal the UN is for America, want to protect our sovereignty and freedoms. Even though George W has spent so much damn money giving the libs everything they want :ill: ...the funniest thing to me is that alot of these Dean supporter types, real left-wingers, have finally come to follow some of these long considered 'right-wing' conspiracies because some factor Bush into them. Its just that the libs flip it around to Bush and his ilk desiring to control the world with an American imperialism, they say they long to return to the post-WWII world where America had an active military control presence in the major parts of the world. Its just funny, they use the skulls and bones and everything as evidence, too, just like alot of right-wing extremist conspiracy theorists.

Oh and BTW - on drudge there's a link to a story out of the EU where miltary experts are calling for europe to rearm itself because "America may not always have the resources or the interest in protecting Europe". :lol:
:lol: I don't know who you're talking of, but I was reading into that stuff a long time ago too.

One of the saddest things is that much of the framework for the World Order bullshit has already been placed in US Code, and the UN Charter, and I would assume most 1st world countries have similar statues.

Bush is a step up from Clinton, but I agree, he's given in to the left more than I could ever have imagined. So much it makes me sick thinking about it. Oh well, like I figured he would do much more than the status quo, no president in the last several decades really has, yet it's funny seeing them rail on him so furiously. They just absolutely hate him. I can't imagine what it would be like if a real conservative took office. They would start foaming at the mouths....

Well, I'll go take a look at the drudge story. I agree though, they should start defending themselves. Maybe that's why they lack so much (proper) character.
I agree, I mean, Reagan was a conservative. There was a guy who did not care about what was always politically expedient. Bush I believe is really out to destrpy the democrats once and for all, and while that would give me a certain amount of personal satisfaction and I do feel they are extremely dangerous, it misses the point entirely to use their damn policies in the process. I would vote libertarian if they had a bit more sense and know-how to go with their guts and hardline constitutionalism.

OH - and Kerry took Iowa! I'd actually be more worried about Edwards taking the nomination than Kerry or Dean, because they are both such easy targets, having made huge fools of themselves appealing to the fringe college campus left wing.