Are you colourblind?

I can't see depth and I can't estimate distance.
So I have me tricks: count from a marker to see how fast cars come at me ,etc.
The most difficult thing is parking the car. On the driving exam I did that very slowly so I fooled them.
It's always a gamble.
Don Corleone said:
whooops correction: it was on the pile of shit called "cruel intentions" rather than "great expectations."

I have the Great Expectations soundtrack, some of the tracks are really good (Tori Amos, basically), but a few of them are boooring. I remember I bought Korn's Life Is Peachy once and then I didn't like it and took it back to the shop and traded it for this soundtrack :D
well the great expectations soundtrack is cool as is the cruel intentions has placebo and that. but i was actually speaking about the movie. wow, what a waste of time it was...if i wanted to see beautiful women, i could turn on the internet.
Don Corleone said:
well the great expectations soundtrack is cool as is the cruel intentions has placebo and that. but i was actually speaking about the movie. wow, what a waste of time it was...if i wanted to see beautiful women, i could turn on the internet.

Haha, I didn't even see "pile of shit" :D hmm, may I be a bit erm... scattered?