Are You Morbid?


Jan 16, 2007
A thread for Celtic Frost discussion. Favorite songs, albums, whatever.

Let me open by saying Dethroned Emperor fucking rules.
i know the first 3 albums... but i never bothered with the last three though i've heard the 'singles' from them.... "Cherry... Orchards!" lolz
To Mega Therion>Morbid Tales>Into the Pandemonium
I need Monotheist. Into The Pandamonium pissed me off for a while but now I love it for some reason. Emperor's Return/Morbid Tales and To Mega Therion are basically required listening. All great stuff.
I need Monotheist. Into The Pandamonium pissed me off for a while but now I love it for some reason. Emperor's Return/Morbid Tales and To Mega Therion are basically required listening. All great stuff.

Is Monotheist any good?? Being that it's their latest album, I have assumptions about how good it is, since many metal bands start to suck when they drop their latest CD.
Monotheist is fucking AMAZING, and it grows on me with every listen. It's a close call for my favorite CF, along with To Mega Therion.