Area 54 got me in trouble at work today.......


Oct 1, 2001
The Devils armpit
My boss went out on his luchbreak so i decided to put NVS on the cinemas pa system oh how i laughed as i saw the kappa kids and the delightfull inhabitants of slough wonder what the f**k was going on who was taken gareth where has britney gone??!! instead of the shit hmv supply us with the delictable tones of lakis,laura,steve and rob were invading ugc cinema in slough suddenly my boss matt aka (Wankstain shitfuck tosserbreath to his friends) runs into the office he hadnt gone out at all and has a go at me its quite funny this ids the third time ive done this the first time it was aerosmith and the second time it was manowar
it brightend my day up i did try an explain how i was trying to educate the massiv wikeed innit garage kids of slough but alas he was having none of it
Thats greatly harsh, why shouldn't people be allowed to hear proper music in a public establishment? I think i speak for everyone in the world when I say I wouldn't mind hearing Area 54 in my local cinema (as well as seeing Spiderman when it comes out).

And if you hadn't noticed, I'm a little excited about this saturday. In fact, I'm a lot lot lot excited!!!!!

/all christmas' coming home at once
Area 54 will get me in trouble with work this Sunday unless I can get someone to do my shift, otherwise I will be in about 45 hours late. But, weighing up the options:
See Area 54, the greatest band in the world, in my hometown, and spend the next day chilling out with cool people (aka Cath), or:

