I found some other very cool reviews, and I'll copy/paste them for you:
www.aordreamzones.com/cdreviews by Ian Johnson:
Four years have passed since the first self titled Sun Caged album was released and in that time the band have undergone some major line up changes. Gone are the likes of keyboard wizard Joost Van Der Broek , singer Andre Vuurboom and bassist Rob Van Der Loo, and when a band loses so many original members you wonder if they can - a: continue and - b: come up with anything as good as their debut again. With Artemisia Sun Caged have answered both questions with a resounding yes, because this new album is to say the least superb.
Founding member and guitarist extraordinaire Marcel Coenen is still ever present and it’s his enthusiasm that you feel running through the songs but the new member’s have also brought there joy of progressive rock music with them and each of member plays their own part on this excellent album . Praise also for new singer Paul Adrian Villarreal who is one hell of a find, as his delivery and passion is second to none, forceful one minute, enigmatic and thoughtful the next a stunning performance from start to finish, and a performance that only make the song’s sound even better.
A Fair Trade / Lyre’s Harmony / Bloodlines / Afraid To Fly are all amazing slices of melodic prog metal and are played sung and produced to perfection, which should have the entire big boy’s in the genre quaking in their boots.
Aor and melodic rock bands have put out some wonderful album’s this year but now the progheads are fighting back and it will be interesting come December to see which album’s make it in to the top ten lists. Sun Caged deserve to be on those list’s as Artemisia is a stunning album , which grow’s and expands as you continue to play it, a must have album for all who love great music . Brilliant . (LION MUSIC)
http://classicrocknewswire.blogspot.com by Jason Ritchie: ( Edit: Just noticed that Paul already mentioned this one in his Myspace blog, but I'll leave it here anyway

Sun Caged return for their second album and a radical line-up change with only guitarist Marcel Coenen left from the debut album! Paul Adrian Villarreal steps up to the mike stand and also supplies the lyrics on here. There is a linked theme running throughout the album looking at people and dreams lost and what might have been.
Again the band swing around genres from the metal riffs on ‘Unborn’ (very Evergrey sounding) through to ‘Bloodline’, which will delight lovers of classic prog rock (excellent drumming on this one, lots of cymbal!). For some serious extravagant soloing check out the (mainly) instrumental ‘Engembert the Inchworm’, all the band members vie to out solo each other, great listening. At the songs end you get some death metal style grunts as well! Highlight for me though is ‘Afraid To Fly’, a beautiful mellow number and one to highlight the vocals of Paul Villarreal.
Whilst keeping some of the band’s debut sound Sun Caged have struck out further by adding more solos and in vocalist Villarreal they have the perfect foil for the band’s prog metal leanings. For me they are producing music ahead of the latest by Dream Theater.
Pretty cool huh?
- Remi