Marcel Coenen - Colour Journey review

Awesome review! thanks for posting it here.

btw, I just posted this on myspace, but I should do so here as well:

Just had a rehearsal for the Colour Journey gig, and lemme say that Marcel fans are going to have their faces rocked off next Sat!!! >: )

The doubled riffage sounds MASSIVE, (great work Frank!) and it was my first time meeting and hearing Richard on bass, WOW, he can play!

I'm looking forward to it, and so should you all be!

~Ik versta geen Nederlands~
Great review, and can't wait for the show this saturday! Unfortunately our car decided it had to break down today, but I'll rent a car if I have to. I'm definately going to be there, one way or another ;)
To Marcel and everyone involved: good luck with the final preparations, and see you this saturday! :hotjump: :rock:

Edit: found another nice review:
Hey All,

The pics I took at Marcel's CD-releaseparty are online NOW. Normally I put 8 pics per show online, but because there were so many people onstage I went for 16 this time!! Go check them out and let me know what you think, okay?

Go to and click on the link in the menu on the left!


Marlies' review is on:
and the CD-review:

Have fun and all get a copy of Colour Journey!!!