

Master Exploder
I just found out that they were selling Nintendo Gamecubes on the weekend for $199, but for Sat Sun Mon only. ARGH! I was thinking about going and buying one yesterday (I want one now that 'Mario Sunshine' is out), but now they are back up to $339 or whatever. A bit of advertising would have been nice. GRR!
Xbox is a great system. 10gig hard-drive to store music files, awesome DVD capabilities and some great games coming out.

Only downside is it that I don't get to play all those childish happy-happy-joy-joy games developed solely for the under 5's market that Nintendo have now monopolised.
Gamepubes blow! you are much better off getting an XBox or a PS2. Or just use the fucking computer!

still cant go past the Super Nintendo. Thats better then anything ever released.
I think the PS2 and the Gamecube are both great systems, but the XBOX is just a shit heap. I much prefer the PS2 to the XBOX in every way.

I guess it comes down to preferance of games, and just because Nintendo have a vast range of 'kiddy' games, it doesn't mean they don't catter for an older audience as well. Anyone play 'Shadowman' for the N64? One of the most evil games I have ever seen. Awesome shit.
I much prefer the games on Nintendo to the other systems (can't wait for the new 'Metroid' :eek: ). I even still quite enjoy the Mario titles. :)
The range of games is more limited than the other two consoles, and majority of the decent titles released on XBOX are released on PS2 and/or Gamecube anyway. I believe you have to buy a remote to use the DVD functions, where was with the PS2 you can simply use the control. The actual controls for the console are the worst of the three. Umm....thats all I can think of at the moment, but as I said, it mainly comes down to which console has the range of games that you prefer....I prefer Nintendo games to any other, so I will always choose Nintendo over another system. And come on, it does have alot of kiddie games, but with titles like 'Metroid', 'Perfect Dark', 'The Legend Of Zelda', 'Gauntlet', 'Resident Evil', assorted Star Wars titles, and sports titles like 'Tony Hawk's Proskater' ect. who can complain!? And I still get a kick out of Mario titles as well. :D
I hear that the 'Final Fantasy' series has signed onto Nintendo also, so expect to see those games merge from Sony to Nintendo after about FFXII. :D
Also, since Sega's Dreamcast flop, they have joined with Nintendo too, so all your favourite Sega titles are available on Nintendo now.

See, Nintendo will forever reign supreme. :)
Actually Microsoft have bought the rights to nearly every decent nintendo game and will only be realeasing them on xbox,now if only they didn't fuckin crash all the time.
Yep, Microsoft just bought Rare, who did shitloads of great Gamecube games, but Nintendo themselves always make the greatest games ever. If Nintendo only release 10 games for the lifespan of the system, its 10 absolute classics!

I dont really care, my brother has an xbox so I can go downstairs and play if I choose. Yay.
Originally posted by Blitzkrieg
The range of games is more limited than the other two consoles

True, at the present. Remember when the 64 first came out how limited the games were? There are plenty of new Xbox titles coming out in the near future - they can't all suck. :)

I believe you have to buy a remote to use the DVD functions, where was with the PS2 you can simply use the control.

True, but the DVD remote (which I have) is fantastic. Much better than using a game pad to watch a movie. Plus the hardware contained in the Xbox simpily cannot be match by the PS2 in terms of picture and sound quality.

The actual controls for the console are the worst of the three

It's ugly, yeah. But I havn't had a problem with it, and I've got small hands. Anyway, I've heard they've begun to package the Xbox system with the smaller S controller as standard. This controller was designed for wiener Japenese hands.

I had a 64. I loved it.
I bought the Xbox because it was the best priced DVD player at the time! I still don't own any games for it. :lol:
(can't wait for the new 'Metroid' ).

Neither can i ....i might just buy a Cube for that game alone

Metroid ROCKED...i had the Original on the Nes....fuckin wyld and ahead of it's time...alternative endings...the main character a female...pretty hardcore for early 80's

and the Snes version was awesome...i was pretty pissed that there was never a Metroid 64...i heard that initialy there was gunna b...dunno wat happend but
Yes, it is one of the best games series' ever made. The original was awesome, the Game Boy one rocked too, but the SNES one was fucking crazy, and is still one of my fav games of all time. I think they never made the N64 one because they have been working on the GameCube game for so long, the same reason that there was never a sequel to Mario 64. Apparently some of these GameCube games have been like 6 years in the making. :eek:
The new Metroid title for the GameBoy Advance looks cool too, sorta like Super Metroid, so that might be awesome too. :)