Arghhh...damn myspace suck!!


Jan 29, 2006
Nieuw-Buinen, The Netherlands
Just need to vent some frustration..

I've been trying to set my email address.
This way my URL will be changed, both the new URL and email address ARE available to the system...
But when I try to register, it says it isn't available...

When trying to contact support I only get automated emails send to me that do not answer my question...argh...this sucks...been waiting for 5 days now to do this...the name is available and I want it!!!!!!

This is just frustrating...
Are you 100% sure it is available ? There may be a way to disable your myspace without deleting it, making it invisible but still taking the place, and maybe this is the case for the name you are after. But knowing myspace, I won't be surprised it is a bug.