ARGUS - S/T (Press Release) SLOUGH FEG geeks, take note.


Mar 24, 2005

With those of you familiar with Butch era PENANCE (USA Classic Doom), you already know how great his vocals are and those of you who aren’t will learn soon. ARGUS, a new and hungry band from the USA are very well versed with the Maryland Doom Metal and Epic Heavy Metal scene. They released a very well written Demo in 2007 on John Brenner’s Bland Hand Records as a download. For those of you that loved the Demo like I did, this is what you would expect their full length to sound and then some! THE LORD WEIRD SLOUGH FEG fans are going to go absolutely nuts over this album for the sheer volume of twin axe guitar shredding alone!! There are a lot of catchy, layered riffs on top of many hooks and sing a long choruses. On top of all these well-written Epic songs, there are TROUBLE-eque Doom Metal break downs to die for feathered throughout the album. Shall I say “instant classic”? That’s for you to decide. Look for them to release a 10” EP on one of my favorite labels, The Miskatonic Foundation in the near future as well.

1. Devils, Devils
2. Bending Time
3. From Darkness...Light
4. Eternity (Beyond, Part I)
5. None Shall Know the Hour
6. The Damnation of John Faustus
7. The Effigy Is Real
8. The Outsider

Coming (hopefully) May 2009
Been listening to the album non stop since I received it.... It's great.

I forget which song title, but they have this cool little intro to the song that reminds me of old Italian Horror Heavy Metal shit.
hey i saw these guys at Doom Or Be Doomed! they were a pretty new band back then, sounded like they needed to tighten it up quite a bit

i bet they're awesome now! that art is great
hey i saw these guys at Doom Or Be Doomed! they were a pretty new band back then, sounded like they needed to tighten it up quite a bit

i bet they're awesome now! that art is great

I saw the very first gig here in Pittsburgh, I didn't even know their name then... I just went cause it was Butch haha.

They didn't sound that great that night, but they're tight as hell now cause I just saw them last year... and I'm going to see them May 2nd.
