Arjen Lucassen: "Working with Dan is definitely an option."

"SoT: Have you ever heard of Ulver and their singer Garm? He also sang on a duet with Anneke van Giersbergen on The Gathering's Souvenirs album. I think he would make for a great choice on your Ayreon project.
Arjen: No, but thanks for the tip; I will check him out!"

I'd love to see Garm on Ayreons next album. It'd be interesting seeing him do a lighter album for once.
hehe that's a very distinct possiblity.

btw don't get too excited over the dan quote. arjen saying he might use dan again is like dan saying he might do a certain project, both are meants as possiblities rather than options :D
I think Garm would tell Arjen to fuck off. I just can't picture it...

Just because he used to be in the black metal scene it wouldnt automaticly make him an immature twat. I think he would definately consider it. I take it you have heard Head Control System for instance. But, yes, they have very different styles.
I forget which, but I recall Dan or Dev saying they didn't really have an interest in doing something with the other. They really wouldn't workout anyways I don't think : )
And i'm actually going to say Dan is the one who said it. Yeah i'm positive. Maybe Dan and Celine Dion though
I don't think Garm would just turn away from Arjen like nothing. Garm does just about everything and working with Arjen would be such a unique experience. I think he'd do it if he had freedom with it, like Devin Townsend. Devin didn't want to do it, but when Arjen gave him freedom to write his own parts and his own lyrics, Devin did it, and he did a great job! I would LOVE to see Garm do something with Arjen since he's my favorite singer!
Garm did Head Control System just cause the guy who wrote the songs was a fan.

He even sang on a Gathering album just cause he was asked. I can so no reason why he wouldn't want to work with Arjen. When I interviewed him, he said he loves guesting on others' records.