Arkaea Debut Album

What a boring song :puke:. There is nothing in that song that jumps out at you and makes you say "wow that was cool." It starts off and doesn't change the entire song through.

Drums are doing the same thing until the groove at the end, structurally it sucked, it sounded like a bunch of riffs just thrown in together.

I like to hear a song that has some dynamics, not "full speed ahead" the entire song. That just gets very boring to me.

LOL and the vocals, I usually like in Threat Signal songs, but nothing he sang was catchy or memorable. Chorus was horrible.

Anyway, I'm done.
Yeah it was hell boring to me, nothing really standout and all jumped around alot. I really dislike the latest Divine Heresy too, can't gel with the new singer/pop bits at all. Sooo.... wasn't there going to be a Fear Factory again? :lol: