
Interview from The Dark Enemy Fan Club.

Sorry for the spelling errors. The Interview was not translated very well.

The past:

01 - Chris, could you resume for us your musical career?

I started playing guitar when i was 14. I played in some local bands from age 14-19. I also went to music college around this time. When I was 18 or 19 my brother Michael asked me to play some solos on an album he was making with Johan Liiva and Daniel Erlandsson. This was of course "Black Earth" wich came out in -96 and in -97 we were invited to go to Japan.

The next album i recorded was the first Armageddon

From the on I've been doing this fulltime pretty much

02 - do you remember when you joined AE in 96 ? it's for help Mike or a real projet for you

I was young. Still at school. I don't think any of us thought it would be such a success
It was more of a project to begin with but the response was so strong from Japan that we wanted to do a second album

03 - When you're looking the past, Which one of your solo album give to you the greatest satisfaction and why?

I don't have a favourite. I hardly ever listen to them. Actually, "Crossing th Rubicon" is the best because it's the most original one. The last one was thrown together in a haste

04 - When you're looking the past, Which one of the arch enemy album give to you the greatest satisfaction and why?

"wages of sin" is my favourite. The songwriting is strong and catchy. I'ts melodic but not too much. I have never analysed them or campared them but "wages of sin" is the one that springs to mind.

05 - Let us come in a subject which astonished many people: Your departure of arch enemy. Could you explain us what justified your choice?

I wasn't feeling creative musically. I wasn't having fun anymore. Arch Enemy is a hardworking band and touring is great. But if you're not enjoying the shows it's no fun. I just wasn't into it anymore.

06 - Do you regret your decision?


07 - When you're looking the past, What do you thing about "Doomsday Machine"?

I haven't listened to it that much. I'ts a solid metal album with good songs and good production. I think Arch Enemy is one of the top 5 metalbands in the world and I'm proud to have been a part of this band. Everyone in the band is an amazing player and performer and Angela is fantastic growler and born to front a band.

I drifted away from this kind of music, and I think it's better for everyone that I do my own thing.

08 - the day you send message to mike for quit the band it's maybe a hard day for you. do you speak with the band or just mike ? Which was the reaction of your brother mike and the band ?

It was a hard time, I felt like Iwas letting them down a bit and leaving them without a guitar player just before the Ozzfest. They were surprised but not entirely.

Life goes on, we are still friends but we don't see each other that often. Everybody's busy with their own lifes.

The present:

09 - What's a typical day for christopher amott today?

I'm working as a musicteacher which is afternoons and evenings. in the autumn I will start at the university but i haven't decided what subject to study yet.

I'm just a regular guy now!

10 - and you don't stop guitar ! and music, what do you listen now, and play ?

I play guitar constantly, several hours a day

It's my form of meditation or therapy

Lately I've been listening to Ryan Adams, Neil Young, Daft Punk and a whole lot of american radio on the web, classic rock and "best of the seventies"-stuff like that.

A lot of Thin Lizzy too, and Phil Lynotts solo stuff

pretty strange mixture...I guess you could say I have bade taste in musc HAHAHA

11 - Do you meet, work or help new Guitar player of Arch Enemy Fredrik akeson ? and do you view on stage ?

Yes I've met him. Really nice guy and a fantastic player.
He didn't need help learnig the songs
He asked me about a solo on the track "Nemesis" I think. He wanted to see if he was playing it right.
My spelling is awful
He fits in with the band I think. Kind of calm, like me
I'm happy they found a replacement that works

The Future :

12 - Which are your projects for the future?

I don't know. Playing in a band and being a rockstar is pretty far down on my list right now...I just want to develop as a musician and a person. Maybe I'll never do another album, i can't say right now. I'd love to do a solo album just the way I want it, mixing all kinds of styles and influences but I'm not hellbent on succeding in the musicbusiness - I've seen how much work it takes and how most. People in the business are sharks who wanna rip you of. I'm not very business minded that way.

If i do some kind of record it won't be metal anyway. I don't care if it sells....I know i will be starting from zero doing another style of music but it will be much more satisfying musically

If a make an album completely free artistically, just the way I want it and it only sells 500 copies it don't matter, because i would be doing for myself.

13 - You've make 3 album with your project Armageddon, just out in japan for 2 last; do you want make a distribution in europe or usa ?

yes! I'll have to get working on it...

14 - so in interview you speak about japan fans, many guitar player go in this country for make that music, especially Marty Friedman (ex megadeth) do you receveive some contact from this country for make your music ?

I have some contacts...but I haven't discussed anything with anyone.

15 - the stupid question (just for joking): Do you want to create a band with johan Liiva? :)

Yes! Ofcourse I do!
What's the angle? Because we are ex Arch Enemy menbers?
Our new band is called "Best Friends" and we have positive and happy lyrics
The songs are about Christmas, Nice furniture and pretty birds!

16 - the last one it's about future of arch enemy the band record a DVD in 2004 at london with you on guitar, do you work around this project, or/and choose angle/ bonus ?

I'm not involved in anything like this.

17 - thanks you for your time and if you have a message for french member of Arch enemy fan club (and ex-members)

Thank you for listening.
To the music that is
I mean, thank you for coming to our shows and buying our albums !
take care man!
Weird. Suffering a bit of burnout it seems. I will definitely buy all the Armageddon albums when they come out here, I love the stuff but it's way too expensive to import.
"Our new band is called "Best Friends" and we have positive and happy lyrics
The songs are about Christmas, Nice furniture and pretty birds!"


I hope he is happy with whatever he ends up doing.