Armored Saint entering studio in October

Well, it probably doesn't HELP things with Anthrax - but I don't think it means anything bad either. The two CAN coexist - and Armored Saint is a sideproject to Joey Vera and some of the others as well, they all have other bands. They already stated in the past that their intentions with Armored Saint is to get together and have some fun and schedule a few odd shows here and there - they never have done big touring, and probably never will. I doubt Anthrax will be slowed down by this IF John rejoins. And it won't negatively affect Armored Saint if John rejoins Anthrax, because I was under the impression that Saint has no big touring plans anyway.
Well, we'll see another singer, then a departure and then Anthrax gets John Bush for ever.

End of the story.

No more fucking reunions with Joey.
Well it does show John isn't changing his plans or life around to accomodate Anthrax, which he shouldn't. He's probably concentrating on AS right now and not even giving Anthrax much thought.
October is a couple months away and the release will most likely be next year with the way music is recorded nowadays. So could concievably have plenty of time to work with Anthrax. Re-Recording vox for Worship music won't be much of a thing if they decide not to use Dan's. I'm assuming Armored Saint would want to tour for thier release eventually. That will probably be more limited than Anthrax's tour so I think it's very do able. It just has to be what all parties want to deal with.
hope is not lost!
either way we get a badass Armored Saint album and eventual tour
Well, it probably doesn't HELP things with Anthrax - but I don't think it means anything bad either. The two CAN coexist - and Armored Saint is a sideproject to Joey Vera and some of the others as well, they all have other bands. They already stated in the past that their intentions with Armored Saint is to get together and have some fun and schedule a few odd shows here and there - they never have done big touring, and probably never will. I doubt Anthrax will be slowed down by this IF John rejoins. And it won't negatively affect Armored Saint if John rejoins Anthrax, because I was under the impression that Saint has no big touring plans anyway.

good points.
This is great news - John Bush finally returns to the band he belongs to Armored Saint. For some reason his voice is just a natural fit for that band. With Anthrax it always sounds like he's struggling (except for SoWN - that album was flawless). Loose Cannon shows that Armored Saint is headed in the proper direction, it'll be a shame if Anthrax derails them for the 3rd time in their career just because they wanna nab their singer.

I would say re-unite with Joey but according to Scott, Joey wants to build up on his solo stuff. I missed out seeing them on the reunion tour hopefully I'll see them with Joey live. Most of the albums with Joey made Anthrax. The Albums with Bush was good too, but Stomp and Vol. 8 felt more like filler albums since Anthrax was incomplete at the time.

I say that Anthrax should stop stalling on the whole singer issue, release Worship Music as it is, and bring Joey back or search for a new Vocalist...
hmmm...I don't want Joey back...Joey fucked up! "Let's everybody say Joey fucked up"....:)

Fucking up's got nothing to do with why i don't want Joey back. I could care less what his decisions were if it was even his decision at all. I just don't like his voice, period.