Armored Saint


Apr 2, 2002
Stadskanaal, Holland
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Metal Blade puts out the DVD "A trip Thru Red Times"next xtra bonus videos and a new intervieuw with the band plus a photogallery

Also the band is planning a new DVD over the period 1991-2002 and a rerelease of "Symbol..."xtra including demosongs and an intervieuw.

Gonzo has put a band together with Phil Sandoval(guitar) Jack Emrick(?) and Ray Burke(?) called Life after Death.
They had an album out in 96 on the German Label Rising Sun.

Also Gonzo is workin on a side project called Monster G

Al this shit was taken from Rock Tribune Magazine 01/2003
It's Belgian , so don't blame me if this shit isn't right!!!
ANYTHING Armored Saint puts out is worth buying.

I have the VHS edition of "Trip Through Red Times" and the guitar solo/tribute to Dave Pritchard in Book of Blood is worth the cost alone.

I love fuckin Armored Saint.
me too. And you know what I think? thier are a few songs that sound like saint songs on the new anthrax album. And dutchy I'm pretty sure what you just said is right because it seems to be taken directly from the Saint website. They ship fast! I ordered Revelation on vinyl and it took 5 days. and I got a free sticker too!
thats exactly what i thought 2 jono when i was checking out the new anthrax cd.some songs sounded like armored saint could of had these songs on 1 of there cd' u think bush wrote those songs?
maybe. I was kinda wondering that myself. The only thing is I don't know how much of a hand he has in writing the music of Armored Saint. I've never heard of him playing any instraments so he may not know how to write music. You could always write scott or charlie since they both have public e-mails.
amoured thrax,i got revelation out of curiosity and boy was i thrilled,one hell of a metal album,i have been meaning to get a few cds of theres.while i know i should get the frist one and go fron there i just want u to recommend one for me to check out.


Get "Symbol of Salvation" - Came out the same year as Metallica's "Black Album" and is 10 times better. This release might be one ot the top ten metal albums ever made. I think it has 14 songs on it and every single one of them kicks ass!

Then get "Delirious Nomad". It has great metal songs on it as well. That is what set Armored Saint apart from the crowd in my opinion, is that they wrote great SONGS. Breaks my heart that these guys don't get more attention. But then again, Anthrax would not be the band they are today if Armored Saint had hit it big.

After getting those two, move to "Raising Fear" and "March of the Saint". Both great releases. But the bottom line is that you won't be disappointed in any of them. Just pick up what ever you can find. If you have a choice though, start with "Symbol".


John Bush rules..........
Originally posted by Jono
me too. And dutchy I'm pretty sure what you just said is right ....

hope so, just finished reading a Biohazard article and they were talkin about theire hit single "Bring tha Noize"with PE which was taken from the album "State of the World ...... and was a big hit in 91??!!!!!:confused:
Originally posted by Armored Thrax
ANYTHING Armored Saint puts out is worth buying.

I have the VHS edition of "Trip Through Red Times" and the guitar solo/tribute to Dave Pritchard in Book of Blood is worth the cost alone.

I love fuckin Armored Saint.
symbol of salvation is definitely one of the best albums of all time. that whole record really made a difference in my life when i was 15 and my mom died.