Armored Saint in Glasgow whos going...

was a cracking gig. I ended up absolutly pished out my nut, but there is nothing better than beer and armored saint. feeling like a badgers arse but im sure someone will post the set up later on. Book of blood and seducer were my favs of the night. Attica Rage kicked ass anol!
Ulster Mosher said:
He'll be alrite. Its all in jest, and he knows that. :D

Was being sarcastic. Knew you were takin the piss. Just wait till you see his haircut, then you can realy start on him.

Now for thr gig. Apart from missing a step, landing flat on me face, twisting my ankle, and still being sober at the end of the night (I was driving.....again), last night was AMAZING. The band were tight, and they looked as though they were havin fun. Hope they come back soon. Both John an Joey look as they have lost a bit of weight, but look better for it. Somene will post a set list I'm sure cause I cant remember everything they played.
The support bands were good aswell. Loved Man Of The Hour.
Ragman_kd said:
Was being sarcastic. Knew you were takin the piss. Just wait till you see his haircut, then you can realy start on him.

Feck off Kev im very sensitive about my new gay hairdo and here you broadcasting it to the universe :lol:

Saint were amazing, Bush is the best frontman in metal :notworthy
I also bumped into Joey Vera outside and he was very cool.
I was well fucked off to have been forced to miss this, but I had to play a gig round the corner. Pish. I could've played the part of 'enormous fat crewcut guy giving Andy B the V sign' in the dvd, thus reprising my role from Scott's section of the last 'thrax dvd.
hey, i play guitar in man of the hour, man had a quality time supporting the saint, covered all bases now after supporting thrax last year at the barras!!! was quite annoyed that my damn tube screamer packed in just before the show!!! grrr!! but overall enjoyed the night, cheers for the support especially to the front line of steel!!!! hehehe. (2 new songs up)