Arms Of The Sun (w. Rex Pantera/Down) debut video

me likey :kickass:
Sounds like AIC meets Galactic Cowboys.

The influences you point out are spot on!

Rex lost a lot of weight, he's very very skinny. Last time I heard of his health was on a youtube video, a conference given by Phil Anselmo in some university. He said that Rex has a severe pancreatitis. Very Serious stuff. I'm glad to see all the remaining Pantera guys making music more regularly, with Vinnie and Hellyeah, Rex with these Arms of the Sun and Phil and Rex with Down.
me likey :kickass:
Sounds like AIC meets Galactic Cowboys.

I can def hear Alice in chains here (not to mention the singer looks like Layne Staley :) ) but i just know Galactic Cowboys by name so i gotta check them out :)

The band also makes me think of Soundgarden (based on the myspace tracks).

The production is awesome by the way.

The song "slow" is just insane. Perfect fresh summer groovy shit. The singing on verses is teh sex.