Army of Darkness


Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
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Funniest. Film. Ever.

A friend of mine was kind enough to lend me the entire Evil Dead series on video. I expected to like the first two a lot more, but this is the best of the bunch :lol:.

"Klaatu, verata, necktie!"

"This is my BOOMSTICK!"

And so forth...

Go and have a chat with Kimberly on the Sinergy board then. She'll set you straight about the eps you need to see.
I must start posting there again once my To Hell and Back and Suicide By My Side CDs arrive.

Failing that, stick around here awhile and JonBonJovi will bring you up to speed on Warrior Princess-related matters.

Bruce was also in another series called The Adventures of Brisco County Jr (I think it was a comedy western kind of thing). Fox cancelled it as soon as The X-Files started to take off.

Gee, I wonder which Maiden Downunder BBer watches too much TV for his own good? :)

Army of Darkness. BRILLIANT movie. I love it to death.

This year's season of Buffy starts next month on Foxtel. I didn't bother watching it on Channel 7 because I figured I'd miss the whole series cos I was going overseas. Didn't bother with Angel either because I find it boring.
I think Angel is a much better show than Buffy, but then I would because I like my fiction unrelentingly grim. As an added bonus, Amy Acker (Fred) is the prettiest little thing on the planet :).

Are we talking about Season 6 of Buffy here? If so, I've just started watching it all on tape. Not bad so far, even without Giles :cry:.

I don't know which series number... I guess it's 6. The one where Buffy is brought back from the dead.

I haven't watched any of the series yet, so thanks for telling me Giles isn't in it! :mad: ;)
The Evil dead trilogy rules. I prefer the first 2 to the 3rd one, but army of darkness is still a very cool flick :D Bruce is a legend!

I agree with wrathy about angel being better than buffy. Buffy kinda kept getting more shittier and angel kept getting better and better. Luckily buffy has picked up a bit in the last season or so, but angel is still much better :D