Ars Magna, you toggaf, Get in Here!!!

:lol: chocolate hostages!!! :lol: holy shit man!!! I just about passed out I laughed so hard at that!!!

You are correct, though. Nothing better than leaving a dump while being paid. Have you ever wondered why people say taking a shit? Are they really taking one? I certainly hope not. I never do. I leave them. Just wondering.
My favorite slang I've ever come across about taking a shit would be seeing a man about a goat. I mean, wtf. :zombie:
Compare Ass Magnet's first few posts to when Dazed and Whatever first started posting here. Wasn't it he who gave us the gem: STOP! I HAVE A SERIOUS PROBLEM WITH WHAT YOUR'RE DOING! Or maybe it was EVERLOSTINDEADETERNITY. We've run off so many people I can't keep track
What was it that finally broke the man's will to post at RC?

I may be way off but it might have been our incessant rehashing of the "accept gay sex" slip-up. Every one of his posts was responded to by quoting that one line. It was fun while it lasted. Alas, poor EVERLOSTINDEADETERNITY, we knew him well