Diabolical Dion said:
And here is another album you should check out:
Blind Guardian - Nightfall in Middleearth
On this album there is a story told which is very similar to LotR and there are Battle sounds and all that on this cd and it is Power Metal!!!
Blind Guardian - Nightfall in Middlearth i have that album, it is astounbding, just the epic dama the band produces escpcialy "Into The Storm" and "Time Stands Still", just the buzz i get from imaging it

I still find it interesting that no-one else finds the Fate of Norns album linked together as a story as i do.
After resurching more into the Viking ledges and myths, i relise that this album and lyrics are well over my head and will probably never know the true meaning. The resurch i have just done, into Odin, the myths about Valkyries
im more confused than ever as i cannot find a deffinate meaning.
Before i started looking into all this, and just listening to the lyrics and songs i precived my own interpritation.
Here is my Interperation of it, By the way i do have an active imagination, anyway here goes...
1. An Ancient Sign of Coming Storm
The Norn tribe gather there forces, they board there ships and navigate through the north winds and find a large force of ships sailing off from the english coast( I prefer english to danish coast as im english

), the english force see this, turn and attack the Norns fleet (20 ships); and english 40 ships. The english over run them with there arrows (longbow men >

) and brave warriors.
2. Where Death Seems to Dwell
The norn army breaks and flees after loosing many men against the English force, stranded in a forhen land, they match away. Unfortuatnly for them they run into a desolate landscape, where huge vegitaion overwhels them. They try getting though the vegitaion, matching along a river bed. But to there dismay the river bed is overrun with weeds, lillys and other stuff (Cannot find the words) that makes it impossible to drink, or very stupid to drink. The Norn leader is worried plagued with the landscape they have fled into. He knows a Viking settlement is near.
3. The Fate Of Norns
The english army persue them, and trap them in the poor and desolate landscape, the English attack the straggling Norn army and kill the Norn leader. The Norns survive the onslaught and retreat to there ships where they landed to attack. They drag the Norn leader back to the ship and sail back to there homeland.
The norn's son is dismayed, and the history of the norns is potrayed to the mother who gave birth to the Norn leader and there son. Why should the Norns son suffer the tourture of seeing his Father die?
After grieving the loss of the Norse leader, and burning him in a ritual on there homeland they finally let go.
After getting over the grife of his father and recoving other the recent battles winter approches and the Norns settle in and prepare for the struggle ahead,
4. The Pursuit Of Vikings ( I relise i have missed out the odd verse or two but i do not understand the deep mythology of it all and like to keep my simple interpritaion of the songs beforei looked deeply into the lyrics) ... the saga continues...
Winter has passed, the ice melts and the vikinigs can one again set sail on the sea's to pluner towns where-ever they seek, when the Norns, reformed and joined by surrounding tibes join they once again mount there ships and look forward to the plundering of more ripe settlements. They set sail asking Odin, a god of ships, to help guide them through the trechurous sea and find a ripe, large and rich settlement for them to plunder.
5. Valkyries Ride (This gets confusing and cannot really place the true meaning of the Valkyries) but on hearing the song without looking deep into the mythology and lyrics here is my interpritation...
The norns find a settlement along the english coast and attack, it is lightly defended and defeat the local milita and plunder the town (along with the atrocities that follow). After the Norns leave, the Valkyries ride and plunder the dead, claiming what they can... i.e. armour, gold, swords, shields so that they can sell for some money.
The Norns return to there homeland with there riches, sell them in a large town and enjoy theere profit.
[I still adore the amazing strength of this era where the average man, can Row, Sail and Navigate from there homeland to a foreign settlement, attack the local militia, plunder and then row/sail and navigate back to the homeland!!!] This is not just including the vikings but many countrys that adapt to this kind of warefare] , at least this is my preception of the viking era and do adore it so much.
6. The Beheading Of A King - My absolutle favorite song of the album, the lyrics are so clear in this battle you can imagine it all... (With my imagination at least)
The danish fleet gathered a huge invastion force intending to over run the vikings, but scouts saw this force approching and wared the vikings. They rallyed the men together, along with the norns and the germans came to there aid and sent 500 hourse men.
As the danish force appoched the shore Erik gave the order to attack, "1000 men and 500 horsemen came charing down the beach!!!!!!" The danish king saw this sight and gave the order to retreat!!!! All obeyed except one ship; it held the kings own son, he despised the thought of flight and attacked on his own!....
The danish fleet had to turn around and attack King Eriks men! but it was too late to save the danish kings son!! .The fighing continued bloody and immense!!.......
near 2000 men died that day; most of them where danes!!.........................
The danish king was captured and his head was released for a ransom (The danish did not know he was already dead).
7. Arson [Though i cannot place how this ties in with the rest i have come to accept the fate that a local tribe, jealous of the norns came and attacked to pluner them!!]
50 men armed to the teeth came, the scouts saw what was coming and blew the horn to warn the Norns. They were caught off guard and attacked though out numbered, they thought as good as any viking!
The Norns were overrun and retreated to there home. Using the bows and spears from the dead they hold the attackers off picking there targets with the bows and spears, they killed at least 20 of the attackers.... but taking heavy loses themselfs...
The attackers set fire to there home, the Norns knew it was over, they swore an oath that if anyone survuied they would take revenge on the attackers!!! They cut them selfs along the arm to mark the sign of the oath and with the blood draw from the wound sealed the oath!! As there home was burning the roof came down and made a rampart for the men to escape, the Norn leader (the late Norn leaders son) went first but as he scampered up the pressure of his meight caued the rest of the house to collapse, and the walls caved in and killed his men/friends and family...!) The Norn leader escaped!!
8. Once Sealed In Blood
After finding his way to a friendly settlement, settled in and gained his strength and the support of the population that was settled there. The roumour that the Norns, so brave in defending the attack from the Danes and plundering overseas was anilated (I presume this harsh word due to the barbaric ways of the Viking era). 5 Years had passed in this time, and he finally had the strength, courage and support to avenge his attackers. He went on and found the tribe that had slaughted his tribe , he met the scout that warned the tribe of coming attacks, the scout attacked on hourse back. The rain was puring down, the hourse bad in rain, was bogged down, the Norn leader, angered on by the scare along his arm that reminded him of the cause, attacked and killed the scout! That is one down, 29 to go! The saga continues into the next ablum!!
Image all that as you listen to the album, everything i said personified by astounding riffs and superbe drumming! Fuck me! <-- Litrally! What a band!!!
I have a 20 minute bike ride to work, having this album played on my mp3 player, at 5:30 am in the morning! Woah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope to find even more bands i can let my imagination run wild...Diabolical Dion iv got that album and do relate to it as i do with my imagination, iv mentioned Celisty, Dragonforce and Dragonland jeez, it makes me so damn happy! If only i could find a lass that appritiates the music as much as i! Still one day!
Drink is the key to a happy life!