Arsonists get All the Girls

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Jul 11, 2008
I just bought one of these guys' CDs after hearing a sample on a demo disc, and I really like them. Have a really chaotic sound while still being really tight. I love their use of keyboards, really gives them a unique sound. Kind of reminds me of Between the Buried and Me and Dillinger Escape Plan, who I'm not a fan of, they are too chaotic for my taste.
Terrible music. I hate everything with downtuned guitars, breakdowns, and legato runs.
First, some of you are judging the band without even hearing them, because they have a stupid name. Seems pretty stupid to judge a band by their name. Between the Buried and Me is a dumb name to me, but I still enjoy their music.

And that's pretty cool. I wish I could judge music in 20 seconds. Me and my idiotic notions of giving things a chance.
What's your problem? Are you a member of the band and feeling all sorts of butthurt because no one in this thread enjoys your shitty music?
I listened to a lot of their songs because I have a friend who digs this scene shit. It's terrible because it has horrible riffs and are pretty generic when compared to the million other scene bands who play stuff similar to them.

Fuck scene kids.

Oceano might be the worst scene band ever, though.

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First, some of you are judging the band without even hearing them, because they have a stupid name. Seems pretty stupid to judge a band by their name. Between the Buried and Me is a dumb name to me, but I still enjoy their music.

They don't just have a stupid name, they quite possibly have the stupidest name. We're talking a new benchmark here. Job For A Cowboy seems quite ok in comparison.
First, some of you are judging the band without even hearing them, because they have a stupid name. Seems pretty stupid to judge a band by their name. Between the Buried and Me is a dumb name to me, but I still enjoy their music.

And that's pretty cool. I wish I could judge music in 20 seconds. Me and my idiotic notions of giving things a chance.

I "gave it a chance" and it has only just re-affirmed of it being fucking gay. Sounds like a million other metalcore bands who rip off "The Dillinger Escape Plan" sound. If it makes you feel better, I have heard shit worse than this.
I had to sit through Oceano before seeing Enslaved a while back. Talk about fucking torture.

Yeah, and the band lives near me and are a much scenester fucks. They all chill at the local Guitar Center and tune all the guitars down and play breakdowns all day. It's the funniest thing.
If you're going to critcize a band, I dont care, just have a fucking reason. I posted this to have a conversation, you know, it's sort of ideas. I guess that was too optimistic. Sorry.
I see Agathocles in your sig, right fuckin on!

I've been meaning to check them out for a while, though the If This Is Cruel What's Vivisection Then? EP was good but nothing spectacular. I really just took random stab at their massive discography, and I have some of their other acclaimed stuff that I'll be giving a shot sometime soon.
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