Art Of Darkness – Mind Suicide


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Art Of Darkness – Mind Suicide
Self released – Demo – 2002
By Russell Garwood

Italy’s Art Of Darkness stand as Flavio (vocals), guitarists Sergio and Alessandro, Marco (bass) and drummer Heber. These five play a balance between melodic and harsher death metal, the vox sitting comfortably on the more caustic side, while guitars manage to switch smoothly from one style to another. The drums are well performed, with some impressive double bass speed and well timed rests and fills, but can feel somewhat lost in the mixing at times. The same applies to the bass, while technical elements add welcome variety, and the frequent guitar solos flow well.

Overall this is a solid demo. The production could be better, but is a lot better than most self-released efforts, and the band are technically proficient. The song writing is also good, but Art Of Darkness seem to lack their own identity, and while they’re good at what they do, I would be interested to see further development into an individual sound. Nevertheless this is a demo many death fans would appreciate.