Greenfly – Globalization


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Greenfly – Globalization
Self released – demo – 2002
By Russell Garwood

Comprising Dani (drums) and Mon (guitar) of Haemorrhage, singer Monzon and second guitarist Climber (Machetazos), death metal collective Greenfly hail from Spain. "Globalization", their debut demo, showcases eight caustic slabs of death metal, with thrash and grind influences adding to the extreme concoction.

The guitars are fast and precise, with sharp riffs and accomplished solo work, sometimes giving way to more melodic sections, while vocals range from guttural growls to more black-influenced screams. The bass is powerful, and while on the simplistic side, creates a tight rhythm section, in which the precise drums are well performed and unforgiving. Slower doom-like sections add some variety, but the band’s main focus is clearly brutality - which they achieve with ease.

The production on "Globalization" is fairly clean, impressive considering the probable nonexistent budget for this demo. Greenfly’s music would definitely appeal to all fans of classic death, and provides an interesting listen even if you aren’t a great fan of such music.