The V3 is decent for low end, demo/preproduction stuff, but the original is quite bad for any remotely serious work. The one thing that these things have going for them is they make GREAT bass DI boxes, and have pretty ugly/sometimes cool distortion if you overdrive it's inputs. Good for an effect, and for bass recording. For any stuff that you need to sound at all good, I'd recommend the Studio Projects VTB-1, or the FMR RNP(quite good for amateur stuff).
It really, really depends on your budget. Let us know what your price range is, and then we could help you a lot more. Preamps come in many different flavors, as well as with very different prices.
hi drac,
i got a focusrite penta - preamp/compressor for 350 € (450$) on ebay.
i really like it and in your case, i would not spend my money for an art :cry: or behringer :yuk: preamp - just save a bit more money and you'll receive much better quality!!!
focusrite has the new trackmaster pro($299.00usd). im sure it is great for the money. the low end presonus stuff isnt bad either, i would check that stuff out for sure. the mic will have alot to do with the outcome as much as the preamp. a really good mic will make a lowend preamp sound better as well as a lowend mic will make a really good preamp not sound as good as it could, depending on the application of course. i would just check out everything you can in your price range and get what works best for you. good luck.