ARTISAN - Seeks Guitarist (Sounds up)


I like a nice salad......
Nov 13, 2001
Los Angeles, CA
Seeking lead/rhythm guitarist for metal band with melodic, thrash, speed, death and prog influences. Must have professional attitude, efforts, and equipment; performance and recording experience; financial responsibilities; No Drugs! Bands: Testament, Hypocrisy, At The Gates, Forbidden, Heartwork-era Carcass, Death, etc. If you have not heard of these bands and are not influenced by these genres of metal, please don't bother.

We are located in the Los Angeles area and rehearse 3 nights a week.

For more questions contact or (818)825-3473 Mike
Hey, will you guys EVER get studio stuff for sample on your site?

I wanted a song ever since your live performance at the Key Club last July with Arch Enemy, (some band that sucked, forgvet their name.) Hate Eternal, and Nile...

And no, we never did figure out what "Anus Basher" meant.

(Edited my grammatical fuckups after smacking myself when I came back and read it.)
NoLordy Capone said:
Hey, will you guys EVER get studio stuff for sample on your site?

I wanted a song ever since your live performance at the Key Club last July with Arch Enemy, (some band that sucked, forgvet their name.) Hate Eternal, and Nile...

And no, we never did figure out what "Anus Basher" meant.

(Edited my grammatical fuckups after smacking myself when I came back and read it.)

Yeah Perry left, he's still going to be playing with us and helping out at the Samael, Strapping Young Lad, and Cathedral show were playing on Sept 14th at The Whisky. That should be killer. We'll have tickets in person and by Pay Pal on our site.

As for SOUNDS. We have one full version of a song up at our site. Unmastered. We also have a new forum up so check that out. As for the demo, we are hopefuly wrapping up mixing this Sunday, then mastering and our goal is to have it in time for that show at The Whisky.

As for Anus Basher. Just something a friend shouted out. I guess it seemed like a good idea for Ana to inquire about on stage at the show. lol.
