Artist endorsements


Master Exploder
This one is more a question for LT, but again, anyone feel free to chuck in your 2 cents!

How does one go about trying to obtain an endorsement with a particular brand? Which formalities would you take, or is it a matter of going through the motions of contacting the appropriate people at the company and asking them what their procedure is? I have some very talented folks I would like to try and hook up if at all possible!

Cheers for any info!
Yeah, you find out which distributor a particular brand is through and you talk to them, or you can even get in touch via an official retailer. For example, we do most of our ESP Endorsement stuff through bMusic in Adelaide because we have a great relationship with Shane, the owner, even though ESP are distributed through CMI which is based in Melbourne.

The thing is, being talented really has very little to do with it at the end of the day. The companies want to know what you can do for them, ie: why should we give you free shit? What's in it for us? If you're actively out there playing and showing off their products then they're getting promotion out of it in return for giving your cheap/free stuff.

But yeah, if your friends are already out there with a decent public profile, put that into an official bio and get in touch with the distributor of the product they're after and take it from there. Bear in mind that most of the time the answer is "no, sorry not at this time" but it's worth a shot. :)
Yeah I realise it is hard to get something out of it, but was curious of how one would go about it. It wouldn't be about getting anything free or discounted either, I would just hope to use it as another tool to raise a bands profile, but as you say, you need a profile to get the interest to begin with! Thanks for the input!