

Child of The Grave
Aug 26, 2003
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Here is some artwork I submitted to Opeth for the new album, tell me what you guys think.
Leper--you have a good eye for shading and attention to perspective. I think those are definitely your strengths above all in your work. To this day I have yet to figure out how to draw hands without making them look like crap, and I would be curious how you go about it. The only suggestions I might make is that their heads are a little bit out of proportion to the bodies, and I might superimpose the headstock of Méndez' bass over the cymbal instead of having it go underneath to emphasize the effect of it coming right at you. The reason I suggest the latter is because the way it's drawn, it almost tricks the eye into thinking that the bass bends to go under. Be careful, when you do this, to make sure you have a straight line. Don't be put off my my small nitpicks, though--I mean them constructively.

It's a great effort and quite a bit better than what I think I could do. :)
Well, thanks for all the constructive criticism guys, and Id just like to say, this wasn't my drawing, me and my mom came up with the idea, and then she was the one to actually draw it, and yes, she is an Opeth fan as well. I don't know how you guys think their heads are too big, they look fine to me, but meh...I never really noticed it. Keep the comments coming!!!
I dont know, but I think the character that was captured best was defeinitely Mendez. You just couldn't mistake it for anyone else....also, I think Peter came out pretty cool.
Good effort. I have to be honest though, I don't think it will be used for the album cover. Although the majority is good, the members look a bit like Donkey Kong to me for some reason, I think their heads are slightly out of proportion.
[KOTNO]Narrot said:
how could you all not notice it? or maybe i'm just a guitar nerd...

lol yes, I noticed, but I'm a guitar nerd too :headbang:

Still very good though, I can see the heads a bit out of proportion, but I s'pose it's pointless me giving constructive criticism... I can't draw for crap.
Amazing shading.