As I Lay Dying cover (6505,1960A,superior2.0)


Dec 16, 2008
Toronto, ON Canada
Here is a cover of the song confined by As I Lay Dying, It's not finished 100% so I just faded it out.

my guitar chain was, EC 1000 w. EMG's>Ibanez TS9>6505>marshall 1960A>sm57>Mbox 2
And i used Superior 2 and slate for the drums.

Any tips would be sweet!:)

EDIT: new mix up and finished the song.
some changes were that I added a real bass track and eq'd the guitars a bit more to get rid of some of the fizz in them.

new mix with mesa cabinet!
Nice setup ;) I have the exact same one. The guitar tone is a bit too fizzy for my liking... Where are you low passing it, and how high is your gain? I find with the 1960a, I get loads of those really annoying ~3.95khz frequencies, and I always boost a little between 5khz-8khz for clarity. How's your mic placement?
Lol everyone's going for the AILD tone. I've been trying to do a decent cover on it as well. I have pretty good sounding drums but the guitar is missing a lot of mids. Here's a sample, it's just a tone test and not played tight (or in the right tempo) but you might get a kick out of it. :kickass:
thanks for the replies!
the mic placement was on the edge of the dustcap and about an inch away from the grill, also about the low pass it was about 10k.
I lowered the low pass to 9.2k in this one, is it less fizzy?
I've never really heard much excitement about the 1960 cab but after some time with it I really love the tones I get out of it paired with the 6505!

@deathkllr84 - I think the tone is pretty good, could use a tad more mids I think! Also might want to turn the drums down and guitars up in the mix.
Very nice! A bit buzzy in the top-end and perhaps a tiny bit too tight too if you're trying to nail the exact tone, but good nonetheless.