As METAL as it gets ...

Claus / Intromental

20 years of uniting the powers of metal
One of our bands, PERSEFONE, is preparing to go out on European tour from March 4th to March 21st with Obituary. How awesome is that? :)

Anyway, if you want to see the most METAL thing ever, check out the video clip here below from their preparations for the tour. At the 3.00 minute mark this gets so freaking METAL that I personally felt like a real poseur for not being that metal myself and only able to watch stuff like this from my comfy chair :)

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Klaus I remember you showing me Persefone at your house when Justin and I were passing through NC on our way to Maryland. Those guys do kick all sorts of fucking ass, but their CDs are hard to come by over hear eh? Any clue where best to buy their stuff?
Klaus I remember you showing me Persefone at your house when Justin and I were passing through NC on our way to Maryland. Those guys do kick all sorts of fucking ass, but their CDs are hard to come by over hear eh? Any clue where best to buy their stuff?

The new album "Shin-ken" will be available in the US through CD Baby within the next month. It's been taking awhile to set up proper distro for it unfortunately.

lol, glad you told us to wait for the 3 min. mark or I may have bailed early. Was worth the wait. Not that the music wasn't kicking some ass. Looking forward to hearing more...w/o the visuals. Just to limit the, uh, distraction.
I have been speaking only the best of things about this band for a while, fucking love them since I found a mp3 track online my freshmen year of college ('03)