as most of you know, i'm somewhat close with Warrel... look at this

I think the best April Fool's joke people can play nowadays is not doing one at all. This one was obvious as soon as I read 'wrist was shattered.' It was a very valiant effort though, Will :)

See, I just spoke with Jim on the telephone and he mentioned nothing of any of this :)
dead6skin6mask6 said:
was a joke.
YOU MOTHER FUCKERRRRRR!!!! ARGH... i would have cried myself to sleep for many weeks... :yell: ah... i knew it was an joke all along :D hehe... i'm sorry but theres just no replacing mr. loomis...he owns all.. i pray to him everynight before bed to grant me his guitar playing powers...
dead6skin6mask6 said:
he emailed me when i was out

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 7:36 PM
Subject: Hey Will...

Just wanted to let you in on some insider news in the band. Jeff shattered his right wrist in a car wreck. He lost all feeling in his arm. We have to replace him. This postpones our new release by at least a year. Do not worry, we will be back eventually. Jim got arrested on an indecent exposure charge after a late night of drinking with Chuck Billy. We baled him out, but that left us near broke. The weather isn't the only thing looking shitty on this side of the country. We may have to call it quits if things do not pick up.


Good try Will,

A little hint for next time...It would have been more believeable if Jim broke his wrist cause he's the accident prone one. And it would also seem more likely that Jeff would get arrested for indecent exposure, and why the hell would Jim be drinking with Chuck Billy? You should have made it someone who lives in Seattle. And could Nevermore ever replace Jeff??

A better April's fool's headline "Nevermore turn a new leaf and promote sobriety!" :loco:
MetalSteph said:
Good try Will,

A little hint for next time...It would have been more believeable if Jim broke his wrist cause he's the accident prone one. And it would also seem more likely that Jeff would get arrested for indecent exposure, and why the hell would Jim be drinking with Chuck Billy? You should have made it someone who lives in Seattle. And could Nevermore ever replace Jeff??

A better April's fool's headline "Nevermore turn a new leaf and promote sobriety!" :loco:
ahahahaha. That would have been just as unbelievable though.:D