As promised, a second song for you to mix!


Aug 30, 2008
Hey guys! This was part of a two song ordeal I did with a friend of mine from when I was a kid (first song *AND* mix stems: )

NEWEST TRACK STEMS: 50 Multitracks.rar <- Reference Mix: 50.mp3

STEMS FROM MY FIRST POST: 51 Multitracks.rar <- Reference Mix:

Same exact project style as the last one(everything should line up when you drag to DAW) and this one is also 210BPM. Comes with DI's for guitar/bass and MIDI for drums (MIDI mapped with Slate)

Just wanting to contribute as much as I can to everyone here! I hope these come in handy to help everyone that enjoys the music and the practice! :rock:

Thanks for listening, hope to hear some great mixes from you guys.
Added the reference mixes and previous post to the OP for people that havent seen the other thread, enjoy!
Cool songs!

The drums are over the top IMO. I bet they are not written by a drummer. :) Is it ok if I make new drums?
Cool songs!

The drums are over the top IMO. I bet they are not written by a drummer. :) Is it ok if I make new drums?

They were actually written by my drummer (he's a speed freak, he is a freak machine when it comes to that shit hahaha) but either way you can do whatever you wish to the drums my man! Look forward to hearing your mix!

Alex: Drums sound a bit woody (if that makes sense? lol) and the guitars seem to be a bit dry, other than that good mix!

MetalMiller: Probably the best mix of one of my songs that I have heard, theres a spot of the drums missing somewhere around 1:00 or so but other than that awesome mix man! you should try the other song from my other thread as well

Oh yeah both songs were used with a Schecter C1 Hellraiser FR with the coil-tap EMG81/61