As the festive season approaches......


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Well, it's almost Christmas time again......We've updated the PQ site with a little Christmas message for everyone but I was wondering what everyone has planned for the holiday season this year?

Can't say I'm massively in the mood for Christmas this year, although I have a feeling this is becoming an annual statement :lol:
It was a great Christmas and New Year message!

As for my plans, pretty much same as usual really. Always spend it with the Family, with seeing extended Family and Grandparents either on or around Christmas Day, and my Brother, Sister in Law and others popping round ours on Christmas Day.

I'm only semi in the mood for Christmas as a whole this year to be honest. Aside from seeing the various Family members above which will obviously be great, I guess I am looking forward to having some time off, considering that aside from the odd one or two days off on Annual Leave, I've pretty much worked non-stop aside from Weekends for the past 4 or 5 Months.

I would probably be in the mood for it more if I knew whether I'll still have a Job after Christmas or not. I intend on trying to find out asap.
Don't become a scrooge, Steve! :lol:

I enjoyed the short and sweet message on the website. I haven't had the greatest year but I had a lot of stuff to look forward to and keep my head held high, and hopefully next year will be better. Always looking on the brighter side of life... Not feeling Christmas at all, as this will be the third Christmas in a row I won't spend with my girlfriend and this weekend is one of the last times I'll see her until June, so it's a little heartbreaking -- the other being New Year's. As I've said in another thread I'm not really feeling like playing music lately which makes practicing very difficult, some days I've spent less than 30 minutes at the keyboard, which is a little depressing. Nothing like considering a massive career change to throw your whole disposition off!

On the other hand, at the end of January I turn 21 and will have months and months to indulge in my own mundane activities :lol:

But yeah, regarding Christmas, I'll probably just stay home again and veg out for a while, more than likely going to the gym and playing a whole lot of Skyrim. Not going out for Christmas Eve or Day since I think we'll have another get-together at my home. Which means celebratory drinking, and no worries about driving home :lol:
Nice message!

There will be some work / friends celebrations this week in Galway where I live, then going to my parents on Christmas eve to spend the rest of it there. It's my first time having a full week off since mid-October, so I'm looking forward to that.

I'm looking forward to seeing my sisters and parents, and spending more time with my nephews and nieces. Always end up playing video games into the early hours which is always fun!

Will also putting the finishing touches to the demo tracks for the new Karuna album, mostly guitars and bass. We're going to send the demos to labels and try to get a deal. If not, we'll just do a self-release anyway, but it would be good to have label backing on a debut album. Hoping to have that finished before the summer.

Oh... and playing my fresh new copy of Resistance 3 :)
Working most of the time :p selling tv's to people who want to show off with the holidays :p Christmasday will be @ my gf's dad and his gf, Newyear's eve @ my home with my parents and newyear's day @ my parents with my bro and his wife and kids and then @ my only left grandmother :)
Nice message!

There will be some work / friends celebrations this week in Galway where I live, then going to my parents on Christmas eve to spend the rest of it there. It's my first time having a full week off since mid-October, so I'm looking forward to that.

I'm looking forward to seeing my sisters and parents, and spending more time with my nephews and nieces. Always end up playing video games into the early hours which is always fun!

Will also putting the finishing touches to the demo tracks for the new Karuna album, mostly guitars and bass. We're going to send the demos to labels and try to get a deal. If not, we'll just do a self-release anyway, but it would be good to have label backing on a debut album. Hoping to have that finished before the summer.

Oh... and playing my fresh new copy of Resistance 3 :)

Speaking of Video Games, I always find myself playing them aplenty around Christmas Time. The new Zelda game for the Wii has pretty got me through this weekend just gone of illness and with how much further I suspect I still have to complete the game, it may very well own me this Christmas!
Skyrim has sucked my life away. I thought I was done with video games except for the occasional World of Warcraft... and then Skyrim hits. Dear god.
I was so tempted to buy Skyrim, but memories of how much time I spent on Morrowind all those years ago (without making much progress in the quest tbh) means I think I'll have to go with games that are much quicker to complete. I might borrow it though just to experience it.

I've thought about giving up gaming completely, but it's just way to cool and the games keep getting more amazing all the time :D
That's the thing about Skyrim and any of these open-world, sandbox, emergent gameplay games - you can go at your own pace. There's no real impetus to rush through the main quest line unless you really want to. Personally, do love the satisfaction of completing a game and 'beating' it but I don't think that's the right approach to any of the Elder Scrolls games, you have to take your time to go explore and become immersed.
I was so tempted to buy Skyrim, but memories of how much time I spent on Morrowind all those years ago (without making much progress in the quest tbh) means I think I'll have to go with games that are much quicker to complete. I might borrow it though just to experience it.

I've thought about giving up gaming completely, but it's just way to cool and the games keep getting more amazing all the time :D

Glad I'm not the only one who thinks they're getting more amazing all the time. You get a lot of keen gamers who are nay-sayers when it comes to modern gaming but I don't understand why.

In comparison to other forms of Entertainment, such as Films, Gaming in terms of its quality and progress is showing others up.
Every time I load up Skyrim I want to complete a quest, sometimes not even related to the story, and I end up spending 40 minutes running around hunting mammoth packs and giants. Then there's the inevitable dragon attacks. And putting off the quest I started. Somebody stop me. :lol:
In comparison to other forms of Entertainment, such as Films, Gaming in terms of its quality and progress is showing others up.

That's for sure! Taking part in a really cool story, in a deeply immersive environment where you can explore and make choices that will affect those around you is one of the best forms of entertainment at the moment.
My Dad is staying in Ireland for Christmas this year so I won't get to see him :( But he'll be over in the New Year which is good. So I'm spending Christmas with my Mum's side - As usual it's gonna involve pub, food and entertainment like the Wii. Maybe go visit my Dad's side for a few hours. But working a bit of overtime over Christmas, happy days.
I'm guessing people are finished with school and college now for Christmas holidays.......people starting to finish work as well. My office is pretty bare to be honest right much so that i'm actually the boss for 2 days! lol!
I decided to buckle down and buy myself an early Christmas gift - the new Samsung Galaxy smartphone. Looks like I'll be fiddling with this over festivities with the family ;)
Was looking forward to a nice easy going wind-down week at work before getting off for Christmas... but the opposite has happened! Busier than ever and lots of new jobs coming in and more bugs found in our software, haha!! So much for taking it easy eh? :)

But who cares, next week is freedom!