As The Palaces Burn...

Soilent Goat

May 26, 2002
I don't know if anyone else has picked up this new lamb of god album but it is by far going to be one of the most solid records of this's a bit more thrash influenced than their last effort but by no means any less brutal. I can't wait to catch them on tour!!..anybody else enjoying it?
LordFireworm said:
Yes, it's incredible.
I'd expect no less from the current greatest metal band.

Good to see another member of the metal faith enjoying it...I love it. It's so catchy yet utterly harsh at the same time...great
heh, i saw those guys at a hole in the wall in nyc when they were still burn the priest. If you can get your hands on the recording made with that name i highly reccomend it. As far as palaces, i think it is a terrific album, although i miss the rapid-fire syncopated vocals of the earlier work. The drums though are a step up technically, and gone is that annoying tinny sound from gospel.
I've heard a lot about Lamb of God, and all the technical descriptions i've heard of their music indicate they are in a style I like. I'll have to try and listen to them one day before they release too many more albums and I've got to backtrack......
I was recommended this by the boys at Appropriate Apocalypse. Went to the sight and downloaded the 2 tracks there and loved what I heard. Ruin fucking owns. The breakdown near the end of the track melts me everytime I hear it. Apparantly the album before this is the one to hear though. It's alot harsher and brutal, not as polished. Great band. Another in a long line of cd's to get on my list.
Lamb of God's new cd fuckin owns. Youre right, it is a bit more thrashy, catchy, but remaining brutal. I need to give it a few more spins before I can compare it to New American Gospel though 'cuz NAG slayed.

Damn, I wanted to buy it but the store didn't have it. :bah: I MUST GET MY HANDS ON THAT ALBUM. I can't praise Lamb Of God enough for their Converge-like metalcore. Shredding, brutal shit I'll say.
I saw them in concert a few years ago and bought New American Gospel after but I really wasn't into it. It sat for a year or so and I busted it back out and enjoyed it much more. I guess I wasn't in the mood for it when I heard it and dismissed it but I'll be buying the new one now.
So I just got back from seeng Lamb of God. They fucking ripped. I highly suggest you all go see them, they played a perfect mix of old and new songs that made me happy.

All I remember that they def. played was (in no part. order):
11th Hour
As The Palaces Burn
A Warning
The Black Dahlia
Black Label

and probably a good amount of others
i acnt spell said:
So I just got back from seeng Lamb of God. They fucking ripped. I highly suggest you all go see them, they played a perfect mix of old and new songs that made me happy.

All I remember that they def. played was (in no part. order):
11th Hour
As The Palaces Burn
A Warning
The Black Dahlia
Black Label

and probably a good amount of others

You are a lucky man indeed...
I've seen Lamb of God twice in like three months and they kicked ass each time. Both times they ended with Black Label, and everyone literally goes insane. The first time I swear I saw about ten different pits at once, and like thirty people crammed onto the stage singing along.

And I still wanna know how their singer can tak3 a drag of a cigarette and scream his ass off like that while exhaling the smoke. everytime I try that I wind up coughing for about 20 minutes.
plfffffft said:
I've seen Lamb of God twice in like three months and they kicked ass each time. Both times they ended with Black Label, and everyone literally goes insane. The first time I swear I saw about ten different pits at once, and like thirty people crammed onto the stage singing along.

And I still wanna know how their singer can tak3 a drag of a cigarette and scream his ass off like that while exhaling the smoke. everytime I try that I wind up coughing for about 20 minutes.

Haha..Randall Blythe is a bad bad man...I hope he doesn't give himself lung cancer any time soon..