ASGAROTH´s live review


Think I should be honest this time. I've taken a look to the site, and the review lacks of any kind of accuracy, style and objectivity. For this reader, the writer shows his best when composing, but gets lost between subjective appreciations and personal opinions that break roughly the lineality. The review goes on in crescendo because writer's knowledge about the bands grows up accordingly, and he writes about CoF and Immolation adding a clear tinge of passion, but finally reaching the informative purpose of the review.

Regarding the body of the message, the review differs substantially of Christopher's sensation, judging from the words he wrote about the gig. :confused:

And btw, I fail to see why our fellow poster said goodbye twice (see the quote above). :p :loco:

|ngenius (So what?! Stupid jokes are senseless!!)

Edit: I've been browsing the web site and the rest of the critics are much better than the one concerning the CoF + Asgaroth gig. And I've found out a Kansas DVD :) (not for sale here, unfortunately).