Asian death toll at 11,000 and rising.

We need something like that to happen in almost every country. ...or a genocide, cleansing, whatever. it would just be better for Nature to be the culprit, so it doesn't get stupid.
Yeah, it's all over the news here..

8.9 on the Richter Scale as well, holy fuck :eek: Last one that big was in Chile in the early 60's. Kind of expected, as it's on a pretty major subduction zone, and the affected areas are relatively poor. There's not a great deal of hazard limitations you can do against Tsunamis in events like that tho, even with a lot of money :(
Emil of Lethal is down there somewhere together with some friends and a brother, I hope they're OK... Last I heard was that they're in Vietnam. My brother and Bob and PJ and Johan got home from Bali about a week ago.
I was possibly going to work in Indonesia too. This kinda of is changing my mind on that--and with all those damn riots.

So, if I am to understand the aforementioned argument presented by Doomcifer and others; if Nature is a merciless Killer it is acceptable? Or, maybe the biggest threat we face is not nuclear bombs or viruses, but the revenge of nature for the last three hundred years of eco-destruction? It is a interesting argument, especially considering all the climate changes, and hurricanes, and other signs nature has been giving us.
Well it's pretty hard not to accept something you cannot do a thing to prevent or alter; that's the main point as I see it.
At some places were extreme weather is relativly common they should be pretty worried, but for us living in say northern scandinavia I think we "should" be more worried about viruses etc. Perhaps we'll get warmer winters and then even colder ones in the long run when the Golf stream stops, but it's not anywere near what some will experience. The Netherlands will face pretty rough times when the ice caps really starts to melt, and perhaps if has some effect on the earth's crust as well and then the american west coast could get in some serious trouble.
speed said:
So, if I am to understand the aforementioned argument presented by Doomcifer and others; if Nature is a merciless Killer it is acceptable? Or, maybe the biggest threat we face is not nuclear bombs or viruses, but the revenge of nature for the last three hundred years of eco-destruction? It is a interesting argument, especially considering all the climate changes, and hurricanes, and other signs nature has been giving us.
Me and my mates' atiitude was that it's nature's way of thinning the herd. Don't get these skits round Europe usually, ne?
I agree with you I of the Storm, thats why I asked the question I did, to understand where he was coming from, and to start some kind of argument. But oh well. I dont wish for the death of anyone, especially the thousands of poor children, apparently a whole generation of children was wiped out in Sri Lanka.
Yeah, I hate for anyone to die (though if this tsunami would have hit only the WHite House with only Bush and his cronies in there, I'd probably throw a party), especially in such a frightening way. But you also have to look at the millions of surviving family members who have lost a loved one, whether it be their child, parents, etc. A tragedy no matter how you slice it.

Next up on mother nature's list: Knocking the western US into the ocean.
IOfTheStorm said:
You ask why is retarded (the word is "good" i should have used a worse one) that someones asks for a genocide or a ........ "cleansing" to happen in every country?
Yes, everyone (with a few exceptions perhaps) has been brought up to see deaths as something absolutely negative, but that's mostly based on the moral preachings of a religion that I don't ackonwledge or belive in; hence my question. A catastrope (for the ones affected) of the magnitude means less people and a small step towards a less over populated world, thus it can be seen as something positive from my (subjective/egoistic) point of view.

And on a side note (in an attempt to stop you from ranting about trooness etc, which you seem to have a great penchant for): I'm not saying I got happy when I heard about the catastophe, but I don't care much either since it has no effect on me or my life.