Asian death toll at 11,000 and rising.

Erik said:
:lol: OBVIOUSLY NOT, and spaffe has already outlined the reasons, which you apparently failed to understand: in a SUBJECTIVE point of view, and there can be no OBJECTIVE view of things like this (contrary to your belief), obviously something happening to our relatives is bad. Obviously I hold people close to me in far higher regard than some nameless Indonesians I would never have had any contact with in my life.
In an OBJECTIVE, almost universal, point of view, a tragedy where 50 thousand lives are gone in a few hours, this is BAD. You can understand this or not, i dont care. Yes all people worry more about the ones close to them, but many other people despite their religious beliefs (that you mention) worry about lives worldwide too, and guess what..they cant find anything good in people dying just like that.

I know that your English isn't stellar, but I think if you looked up the definition of "genocide", you'd realize that it doesn't apply to death caused by natural disasters (genocide is systematic and planned, nature is - for all intents and purposes - random,) and this hardly means the "extinction" of a race, culture, or anything either, so you lose.
Hello, spaffe asked me why i thought Doomcifer's request for GENOCIDE was retarded.
IOfTheStorm said:
In an OBJECTIVE, almost universal, point of view, a tragedy where 50 thousand lives are gone in a few hours, this is BAD. You can understand this or not, i dont care. Yes all people worry more about the ones close to them, but many other people despite their religious beliefs (that you mention) worry about lives worldwide too, and guess what..they cant find anything good in people dying just like that.
Why? You say this is bad, but not why it is.

Some people worry about people worldwide as well but VERY FEW truly care, they just say a few words when they see it on TV and then forget all about it, not many care enough to actually do something to help (Calling a number to donate a dollar or so doesn't really count IMO) and even fewer set out to find those who need help and help those themselves. If it's not on the news, it's not a problem.
I wont pretend that i actually CARE about all the people worldwide, but i cant understand the logic of "since it doesnt affect me, so what?" and all this "find the positive in this tragedy" thing, and most of all i am totally opposed to the thing Doomcifer said in the beginning (which started all these).
One Inch Man said:
I hate this "well if it doens't affect me personally it doesn't matter" mindset. Where does that mentality come from?
Well, let's face it, if every tragedy the world over got you down, you wouldn't be able to get out of bed in the morning!
It's funnt how one simple thing said can start an uproar from certain "morally upstanding" people. People in have different views on life, deal with it. I am not hear to argue or defend my point of views, so I won't waste my time. I'll just add that Spaffe and Erik are somewhat along the same thinking lines as I am.

That's all.
What kind of adaptation? If it just comes down to the ability to survive, then I think regression as opposed to evolution is the right answer. I'll bet 99.792% (exact figure :loco: ) of the "civilized" world would die off if they were forced to go without store bought food, shelter, clothes, etc. I think the human animal is weak in that their ability to physically adapt is extremely low, and with each microwaveable dinner it just gets worse.

lizard is completely owning this thread by the way.
Damn interesting argument we got brewing here. Apparently Malthus is still in vogue with many members of the board.

I am actually sort of agreeing with everyone in some way or another. I agree with Iof the Storm, any human death caused by external circumstances out of ones control, is never a good thing, and never can be justified by anything; be it religion, nature, human nature etc.

But there does seem to be alot of nonsense about the planet being overcrowded. Every person in the world could be fed, developing countries could dramtically increase agricultural production if given the know-how, the fertilizer, equipment etc. its all there, in fact America alone destroys millions of pounds of food for price control reasons.

And lets not forget why Malthus was wrong 250 years ago. Agricultural knowhow and yields will continue to improve with less land cultivated. As many of these developing countries like India and China become more developed, they will have far fewer children--just like the western world. And the nondeveloped places like Africa and Asia are having other problems: Africa is being ravaged by Aids, and it is starting to hit Asia pretty hard.

And 30,000 innocents dying, is a drop in the fucking bucket anyway. These people are not driving around in SUV's buying twinkies with plastic wrappers etc.

I really dont think anything will happen with the way Humanity lives until somehting very drastic happens. This is the general theme of humanity; only when we see the true horrific effects of something, will we change. And its going to take a few years for all this global warming etc, to truly hit.
One Inch Man said:
What kind of adaptation? If it just comes down to the ability to survive, then I think regression as opposed to evolution is the right answer. I'll bet 99.792% (exact figure :loco: ) of the "civilized" world would die off if they were forced to go without store bought food, shelter, clothes, etc. I think the human animal is weak in that their ability to physically adapt is extremely low, and with each microwaveable dinner it just gets worse.
I disagree, we can live pretty much anywhere, for example, if we really want to for some reason, and comfortably in most places. Not many other species could build houses on the moon if they wanted to. Lots of people would die if our convenient stuff disappeared, but certainly not everyone, and the ones remaining would just re-invent stuff like simple vehicles and stuff like that and bla bla bla. It won't happen anyway. Play Fallout and shut up.
I disagree, we can live pretty much anywhere, for example, if we really want to for some reason, and comfortably in most places.

1. lol ... i would like to see most of you live in a third world country, I would give you 1 week before running back home so you can use proper toilet paper

2. Karl Nilsson of Lulo, Sweden, poses with a sign saying his parent and brothers are missing.


some of you on this board truely frighten me and obviously need to leave mommys home and do some world travel ...
lurch70 said:
1. lol ... i would like to see most of you live in a third world country, I would give you 1 week before running back home so you can use proper toilet paper

some of you on this board truely frighten me and obviously need to leave mommys home and do some world travel ...
I mean we as a species. I also think I would make it in a crappy place if I had to, but I don't have to and I don't feel like trying.
lurch70 said:
some of you on this board truely frighten me and obviously need to leave mommys home and do some world travel ...
I left mommy's home 7 years ago and own my own home(the bank anyway) at the age of 24, with no outside help. I think I'm doing well for myself. :)
I stayed away from this thread in the first place because I was rather apathetic. Sure, its a disaster, but hey, shit happens and we can't do a fucking thing about it. If my best friend was lost in it, I'd be disheartened but I'd recognize that these things do happen like it or not. Nature is completely unpredictable and it will not hesitate to kill you if you are in its way.

The moral/ethical discussions in this thread make me laugh. Thank you everybody.
well, lets see how many metal listeners get upset over the Nasum vocalist dying in this tragedy (if it is concluded he did die).
I'm pissed about the Nasum vocalist missing. First Dimebag, now this. 2004 SUCKS!!! I love Nasum . . . and the new one ('Shift') is EXCELLENT. I think it will reach their widest audience yet.